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  1. @DorktoidYou stick this in the Data/Mods folder, like most other mods (they also have the .rb extension). To make full use of this mod, you will need to enable the debug menu via other mods/manually.
  2. Syntax Error. You're missing a closing "]" somewhere, likely before the :FormName=>{1=>"Primal"}. I checked, and you didn't close the square brackets in the movelist of your Hisuan Zoroark. That may or may not fix your issue.
  3. Yes, it was only for the Pokeballs as you requested. If you'd like the other ones, I'll add it in. Edit: Attached the file for it here. Note that the Shiny feature is still exclusive to the Pokeball & Glitter Ball. LEO - AllBallCatchRate.rb
  4. Debug mods are safely operational if you choose to use SWM/Aironfaar's Modular Mods. To answer your questions: 1) This mod in particular is from Haru, which is here: 2) I have attached two files. One of those makes the Pokeball Catch rate 100%, and the other makes Pokeballs turn caught Pokemon shiny, like a Glitter Ball. Just drop them in your Mods folder if you have one. LEO - PokeballCatchRate.rb LEO - PokeballShiny.rb
  5. If you'd like them to be able to pick up items whilst holding an item, you can edit the AddOpt_PickupChance.rb file. if you add 5 hash symbols in front of the line: return if pokemon.item!=0 like so: #####return if pokemon.item!=0 it will allow them to hold an item whilst letting the pickup ability function. However, I did not test this edit extensively, so it may cause crashes with certain items(though I have not run into any so far). I'm still thinking about adding current TMs in the bag to the retrain list - though I haven't been successful there.
  6. To make Custom Abilities, you first need to give it a definition in the abiltext.rb file, and an ID in the PBAbilities.rb file - this will create the ability without any effect. To add an effect to ability, you can add it to one of the scripts file. For example, in a Move altering ability, you could add it to PokeBattler_Battler.rb or PokeBattler_Move.rb if you'd like. The Primal Dialga/Palkia mod has a good example, if you'd like to see that. To add it to a Summary display(where you would normally view the pokemon's ability, stats, etc ingame), you would need to edit PokemonSummary.rb. I may be wrong in some of these, but there are many mods that can provide a more clear example than my description. Hopefully, this helps! Good luck with your testing ^_^
  7. Hi there, I was wondering if you would consider creating a mod that lets someone see type matchups effectiveness for pokemon moves while in battle? Similar to Pokemon USUM's style, where it occurs when you have seen the pokemon before. I thought it might be similar in concept to the field matchup QoL, and would be somewhat helpful.
  8. hey there, the new railnet area is extremely confusing for me to navigate. I don't suppose you have a map of the entire area that i could utilize? It's been giving me a headache trying to figure out some of the puzzles and locations. I got lost after i figured out an elevator that went somewhere foggy and theres a door with no power i cant figure out how to power on either. Man I am lost xD That said, alt forms are still fun as heck :3
  9. I am curious if you'll have a questline to let you acquire totem pokemon? I kinda wanna use totem steelix after fighting that monster xD would be even cooler if there was the altform variant :p
  10. I'm curious if you would add Ash-Greninja, and cosplay pikachu as part of this. they seem to fit the alternate forms thing after all
  11. Interestingly, I attempted to trade on this game mode and to my surprise, it succeeded! I believe this has to do with the fact that they are alternate forms, which makes it technically compatible with the base game! E.g In base game, Pokemon form 0 and 1 are the same unless Alolan. Basically it means that pokemon traded from Alternate forms to normal reborn will appear as normal, rather than alternate forms, although with a questionable moveset.
  12. I think a dedicated discord server would be a great idea! We can see how the progress goes, help out with what we can, and it can make for a good place for sharing sprites, ideas etc. There can also be feedback and suggestions(If something was too OP or too weak, and whether it's meant to be that way). Plus a good place for when people would like to battle each other and trade different form pokemon I'm not sure if the trading server here is the same as reborn, but it would be nice to find other players with alternate forms willing to trade
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