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VividGrey last won the day on February 4 2018

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  1. Lead with a drought pokemon that knows heat wave and another fire type with heat wave. My combo of choice was choice specs drought ninetales + volcarona. It tore through everything. I'm sure you can get the same result with mega charizard Y and another heat wave spammer.
  2. When I try to connect to the server via pokegear, I just get a black screen. I haven't run into this error before. Are the servers down or is there an error on my end?
  3. I feel like there's a discord I should be in
  4. Congratulations on surviving another year around the sun my dude!

  5. I was referring to this.
  6. Please don't tell me you fixed the struggle "quirk"
  7. As @Rendolf said, it's on the bottom of the page. Be careful before you play on that version because it might still be unstable.
  8. Sure, shoot me a message and we'll work things out. You can also give Swirlix a link stone. They become available after the 4th/5th gym I think.
  9. VividGrey

    big man

    I can hook you up with a hawlucha. Send me a message and we'll sort things out.
  10. Maybe go check in his gym first under the conditions @Rendolf mentioned? I always thought that was what triggered the event.
  11. I can catch one for ya! Just send me a DM and we'll sort things out.
  12. Are you still stuck?
  13. VividGrey


    I speak for everybody on the forum when I say we need weekly pictures of [name of cat]
  14. The thing is, since Scrafty is pretty bulky you can recycle the intimidate on boss battles. However, moxie will be more viable for gym battles if you can manage to pull off a couple of dragon dances.
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