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  1. Hi, the ariados in the gym are still glitched although I have re-installed the newest patch at least 5 different times. Can anyone help? (I really want to continue playing)
  2. I was, and I downloaded the files once again, but it is still broken
  3. I'm really mad riht now because of a very serious bug that stops me from continue to play this game. So i'm in the gym in Kakori, and had just done the puzzle by myself, but I couldn't get through into the gym leader's room. At first I thought that I had done something done so I redid the uzzle multiple times until I gave up and watched a tutorial, and guess what, my game's glitched!!!!!!!!!!!! (i'm so damn excited as you can see) This is my screen: As you can see, there is only an ariados instead of four. Please try to fix this at fast as possible because I was really really really enjoying this game and I want to continue playing as soon as possible! Btw I can't restart because I saved inside the gym before I knew the game had glitched.
  4. *SPOILER ALERT* (i'm not sure if this can be considered a spoiler but just in case) When you are in Blacksteeple Castle, and you are sent back to your cell either because you are punished by the towers or because it is the start of a new day there, it will glitch and when you wake up your cell will be closed and there is nothing you can do unless you go back to your last save, and do all the events again. It's pretty annoying at least for me, because it happens a lot.
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