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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by CaffeineBoost

  1. Can't make a status. I assume I have to make a certain no. of posts before I can do that, so I'll ask here: I've searched through the OST posted on YT and can't find a certain song (and I also can't recognise it... it sounds like a professor layton remix but I have no idea). What's the song that plays in Volcanion's dimensional rift? Not the song that plays during the battle, the song that plays when you're activating the 4 machines to access Volcanion. The music features in Shofu's recent playthrough. I linked the timestamp but lest that doesn't work I urge you to skip to 30:07. Sorry if this is the wrong place but I didn't think this was worth creating a thread over and as I've already said I am unable to create statuses.
  2. Hello. I'm CaffeineBoost. I recently downloaded Pokemon Rejuvenation and I JUST WANT A NIDORAN DAMMIT ;~;
  3. Recently downloaded the latest version of Pokemon Rejuvenation. Seeing as the gym leaders all have 6 Pokemon I thought I'd get some stuff early so I looked at the encounters page and saw Nidoran was available in Gearen City. I've been fishing for encounters in the tall grass in Gearen City for about an hour or so now and I have encountered basically everything there is to encounter except either of the Nidorans. Do they only appear under certain conditions? In certain patches of grass? Or are their encounter rates really really low? I genuinely have no idea why I'm not getting any Nidorans.
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