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Everything posted by BillyBob

  1. Thick Fat Hariyama can put in work if you get it to level, as it can fire off Base 120 atk close combats, is relatively bulky, and thick fat will make it take half damage from all fire moves. Some of your mons like rhydon should be fully leveled, rhydon specifically has a pretty decent type matchup and could wipe multiple mons with a few earthquakes at level 68-70. KlinkKlank should probably be replaced for this fight, since its going to get destroyed by any of Charlottes mons, the Hariyama would do great as a replacement. IF you have spare ability capsules, giving your nidoking sheer force will give it an insane power boost, then you can teach it Sludge wave with the TM you get from aya, Nidoking was my ace for this gym in my most recent run. Finally, i forget which seed Charlotte's field effect uses, but giving that seed to your hawlucha with unburden will give it the seeds effects and double its speed, letting it fire off strong moves against all of Charlotte's mons and also be immune to your rhydon's earthquake. These are all worth trying. I'd say the most important thing is to get the mons you do have to level and to play around Charlotte's field effect. Hariyama and Hawlucha could both be great assets if youre willing to level them. Good luck, charlotte is one of the hardest gyms imo
  2. BillyBob


    I only started my run a few weeks ago so I know it was all current. I even started the factory raid, noticed ditto wasnt there, and then reset and saved the daycare couple to then find ditto in his cage. Saving the daycare couple is definitely the trigger.
  3. BillyBob


    For future reference, to get the ditto to appear in that event you have to have done the daycare side quest (where you rescue the daycare couple) before you get trapped in that room at the factory. It has NOT been moved, as I got ditto this way in my recent E17 run.
  4. I ran into a pawniard earlier while resetting the absol event on route 4 trying to savescum acquire a life orb, so they are definitely still there. They might be time locked (I was finding them at night I think).
  5. As Shadowsusanoo said, scraggy is a really good option for Shade's gym. Dark stab, decent defenses, possibility of dragon dance as an egg move (soft reset for it!) and good offensive capabilities makes it a pretty solid option. Most of the other good dark options are not available until later in the game, unfortunately, so i definitely suggest scraggy.
  6. So I figured It's about time I get this out there. I just moved into my dorm for college a few days ago, classes haven't even started yet but already, I've had a total of an hour on my computer. Once classes start, I don't know if I'll have the time or stress management skills to keep this up. For this reason, this run is going to be indefinitely postponed. I was perhaps a bit ambitious in planning this, but it just isn't gonna work. Priorities are rapidly changing now that I have become more busy, and I think there are just other things I need to do at the moment. Some of these posts would take upwards of an hour to write, plus my lazy game play speed and general tendency to goof off, making progress in this would be a slow endeavor. I'm sorry to anyone who was following this :/
  7. @Sapphire Mahala I apologize ahead of time but i specialize in Sappy feels shows. Your Lie in April is a personal favorite of mine, Anohana is also really solid. Plastic memories is a fun one to watch (and the first episode will kill your soul.) Also, Steins;Gate isn't really a sappy feels show, but it's my personal favorite. Highly recommended if you like shows that have really strong characters and the coolest mad scientist alive Hopefully I helped you find something new
  8. Interested in this, although I'm new to roleplay. Gonna check out this discord and see if this is beginner friendly and if i can get a tad bit more info
  9. I have never seen anything about full moon before, should be interesting. Good luck with your run!!!
  10. I totally hate Tidus. Like, despise him. Seems kind of weird that Yuna wasn't the player character, tbh. She was, after all, the main character of the actual story as far as I'm concerned. The bosses and music were definitely where that game shined. I also liked the overall tone of it, but that's all subjective
  11. Being pretty introverted myself, my senior year was the year of highschool I enjoyed by far the most. However, I went to public school and was heavily involved in a debate team (and come my Senior year, many other things.) I can't really offer much guidance considering you are going to a far smaller school, other than to not make it harder than it has to be. If you only have one or two people you can count as friends, there is nothing wrong with that basically me my entire life. Just enjoy the people you enjoy, and if you dont like interacting with the others, then do so as little as possible. I'm not gonna act like i have some sort of authority on this, but you have to at least go in with an open mind, and enjoy it as much as you can, considering the circumstances
  12. Sorry for the lack of screenshots this episode, I wasn't thinking about them while I was playing because I'm bad. Chapter 3: Petty theft, and other Heroic Activities And so, after the events following Corey's gym, It is time to move on to the Lapis Ward! I start by doing the first thing any upstanding citizen of Reborn would do, and join a local gang! Since their event pokemon are irrelevant to this run, I joined team Aqua, simply because... well it was kinda random, I'm not gonna lie. (I have the strongest convictions for joining gangs!) Anyway, I am tasked with the honorable task of stealing something from an old lady, which sounds pretty terrible. And I wish I could say it was. But it turns out this old lady is the actual worst human being alive. Like i hate this lady worse than fern. And I take great pride in curb stomping fern and his good for nothing... Let's not go there. Point is, Mrs. Cradburry is a mean old good for nothing hag, and I was delighted to take from her. I felt like I was doing the world a service and I probably was. Anyway, I get to keep the stolen mon (A rapidash I have no use for) but I also get a Bike Voucher from the police officer on the case, since he can't believe someone like me would join a street gang (heh). So now I can zoom zoom on the bike, hurray. I then spent an hour riding in circles on my bike to listen to the best theme in the game So now It's about time I head on up to Shelly's gym. I get there to find quite the tragic scene after Corey's departure from his role as gym leader, and am left with a rather traumatized Shelly. Victoria wants to get to the bottom of this (oh boy) and heads into the hole under the grand staircase. I follow, and decide to take my sweet time down there, getting a Focus Sash, A dunsparce to later trade for a tyrogue (because Hitmonlee might just happen to be one of my favorite mons) as well as the Rock Smash TM! I (eventually) head down to help Victoria out. I get greeted by Trench coat guy, who explains how the door under the city works (and basically gives away all of Team Meteor's motivations in one go) and tells me I can leave for free, because I guess he's got better things to do or something. So I go save Victoria from Aster and Eclipse (Or, knowing them, perhaps saved them from Victoria). Now its time to go battle Shelly, right? I wish Victoria wants me to go find a psychiatrist for Shelly, since shes still barely able to talk. The one in town, Dr. Connal, is right down the street, so I walk over there and find out He's the second worst human in this game (you cant be worse than Mrs. Cradburry.) After meeting the three BOE (Best Orphans Ever) and being told (and shown) that Connal is NOT an ok dude, I go back to Shelly, who immediately snaps out of her slump and is ready for my challenge. Victoria tries to stop me (because she apparently has a moral code that states that I cannot progress in this league whatsoever) and after taking her down, I go on to Shelly. Shelly I was able to beat in one go. Turn one I lead Blaziken Hariyama. Hariyama fake-out's the illumise, and while i should have just blaze kicked it, I instead resolve to set up. The illumise, of course, rain dances the next turn. No matter, as I set up with blaziken to +3 while Hariyama knock offs everything in existance. I KO 4 mons with blaziken before it faints, and I finish the fight with hariyama pangoro without much trouble. This was yet another relatively simple Gym fight. So, it turns out a level capped blaziken is like game breakingly strong. Granted, if this were not the case this run would probably not be possible, at least not for Julia, without trading in mons. Soon we will have access to Scraggy, and will be taking on Shade, which should be fun (unless Blaziken just 6-0s). Join me next time to see the exploits of the OP KFC Bird (and friends)!! Current team below Edit: Just wanted to announce that I am moving this Friday into my dorm for college, so my updates will probably slow down. I'll definitely still be around on the forums (not that I've even been here that long) I just wont have the same amount of time to play the game and continue this run. I'm definitely still going on with it though!!
  13. Great job with the run thus far Zarc! I have to ask though, which mods are you using for this run? I know its more than just hardcore because in hardcore the rival mons don't have Z-moves. (Also im totally not above begging for shinies some day )
  14. Oh no, this is honestly one of the hardest questions you could have asked me ;-; I guess I'll do one for each Major genre of music I listen to (except metal because there is too much). Metal Passenger - Deftones 4 Words - Bullet for my Valentine Camellia (He's his own Genre) Fight Me Light It up - Camellia Jpop/rock Gokusaishiki - Reol (Could be any of her songs tbh) Hopefully you find something here you like!!
  15. Yeah, Imagine me, Mr. has only ever played competitive in his entire life, coming into reborn. "What is this, a trubbish? A poochyena? WHAT IS THIS PU TRASH? The fun of this game is using weaker mons because you have to, and sometimes, growing an attachment to them. Or getting carried like me because Medicham was my ace
  16. Final Fantasy X. Anyone? No? Thats right I forgot everyone hates that game except for me. . . . I'll go back to hiding in my corner now.
  17. Ok so my characters are a from a game no one is talking about so lets go. Tassadar from Starcraft- possibly the biggest badass to ever wear a funny robe and be blue. Also literally saves his entire race. Sarah Kerrigan from Starcraft- From the beginning of the series to the end, takes on a strange anti-hero role, which is interesting since she came very close to being the main antagonist =O. Also just a personal favorite, you wanna see strong women in gaming, no one messes with the Queen of Blades.
  18. If i remember correctly the name was Vanquish. Was a third person shooter for Playstation 3 (pretty sure it got a steam port). Got amazing reviews and not a single person played the thing. It was really fun, short but sweet, not a whole lot with the story just really compelling gameplay for an action shooter. I think its like 20 bucks on steam, and its worth it IMO.
  19. Wonderful. Now I can say welcome to the community and really mean it! Insert obligatory Mad Scientist joke.
  20. I didn't know when it kicked in, this is good information! Also, yeah I also haven't really ev trained in game, so I know it isn't necessary. I'm just saying if someone is getting upset by being out sped, and isn't using a very fast team, its a decent idea to get rid of that problem.
  21. I mean IV's are kind of a mechanic of the franchise itself, It's something I personally wish just didn't exist at all. But i don't fault reborn the game for keeping the mechanical structure of the games its based on. (Also you really don't need perfect ivs for reborn. If they aren't zero and you have a good nature, you should be fine.) The thing that bothers me the most? Probably grinding early on. I remember my first play through i probably spent upwards of 15 hours grinding in the time before i beat corey. After that it gets significantly easier, although I still hate the grind. This gets even worse when I like to constantly replace pokemon for better or cooler ones. I actually don't have many problems with reborn. I can't even compare it to canon games in my head because I started with competitive and have never once played a canon game lol.
  22. If you're getting Out sped by Serra, something to note is that (correct me if i'm wrong but i'm pretty sure of this) in this game a lot of the gym leaders have good ivs/natures and partial/full stat ev investment. It isn't necessary, but If you have the patience for it, ev training really isn't a bad idea in this game. Especially if you get that bothered by being out sped. Its like imagine Queuing up a game on showdown where your mons are using random evs, and your opponent got to pick his. It wouldn't even be fair. I was able to get through the game with minimal Ev training, but i also had a lax incense charizard for that gym, which got the same boosts her mons do. If you've obtained lax incense by now, I highly recommend you put it on a mon that is capable of sweeping. Especially if that mon has single target Special attacks, as they have a chance to hit anyway when they miss on that field, or a move like flash cannon that gets a boost from the field (basically put it on magneton.) Always remember you can abuse your opponent's field effects too! It is very important to play around the field, for basically the whole game, but especially later gyms. (As a side tip, Pure power medicham one shots almost everything, so if you feel like your team is lacking power, its not for this gym, but its a good pick up in general.)
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