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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Tomorrow

  1. I just completed the events on Azurine Islands for the first time you can go there. Where do I go next??
  2. Thanks Jess but I beat Shade already via Scraggy.
  3. any suggestions for a physical sweeper or special tank? I have a 2 special sweepers and 2 physical tanks but I do have a Ponyta in the pc
  4. I'm not sure if this is allowed or if I'm in the right topic but I'm having trouble beating Shade. I can beat everything except his Chandelure but I need help for that. Can someone do it for me? Game.rxdata
  5. I finally managed to get stormy weather but when I went to the power plant, there was only a blitzle. Where is electrike?
  6. Im in Grand Dream City and I just saw the Penthouse cutscene. Where do I go next???
  7. I just saw the penthouse cutscene. Where do I go from here? EDIT: Sorry I didnt see there was a thread made for this kind of thing already
  8. can you link me the field effect description? I need to fight the next gym leader (grass) in this forest and I want to see what it affects
  9. but if the field effect did do something to reduce the damage, the text box would say something and it would still display super effective. Just like if you use a fire type attack in a water field
  10. So I'm in Darchlight Forest and I need to grind so I can beat Florin. I have my Muk fight a Shiinotic (Grass/Fairy) and I use Poison Jab and Gunk Shot. Both do not very effective damage instead of Super Effective. I have the most patch 10 installed in my game. Is there something wrong with the poison typing or what?
  11. Ariados Glitch in the 6th Gym. Please help Game.rxdata
  12. Is there anyway to fix the ariados glitch in Crawli's gym??? I only have one ariados at the end. Also I saved right before the last test so I can't just restart my game to redo the gym.
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