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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Ace101

  1. Does anyone with a kind heart have a Riolu to spare? Been grinding the random starter machine for hours, only getting Eevees and Ralts. Good IV's if possible. I don't have anything to trade for though...
  2. How come you have everything? How u do it!? And thanks man, anything you want?
  3. Can you trade now?! And thanks for the help, anything you want?
  4. Looking for a Ditto. Let me know if you want anything in return and i will see if i have it.
  5. Y so sweet My id is Ace10. Thanks man, really appreciate it!
  6. I will wait all day. Its compleatly fine with Vibrava. What do you want in return pal?
  7. Preferable shiny. I don't have much to offer, but i do have some shinies.
  8. Now that i look at it. It seems like i have a bunch of pokemon with pokerus, so it already spread a lot xd
  9. I wondertraded and got this Charmander, but have no idea what this purple tag is. Help?
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