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  1. Haha yeah makes sense about not wanting to use those, but could definitely come in handy against some high level bosses. Don't forget about mons like snover and hippopotas to get a up a quick hailstorm or sandstorm to boost your sand slashes. What are your thoughts about wishiwashi by the way? Because it starts at 175 total but transforms in battle into this beast with 620 base stat total. But it's slow with low hp so in my opinion you can get away with it . Makes me think, eviolite Duosion could be cool as well, you'll probably have some pretty slow mons as well so duosion can take a hit and set up a trick room if you want while still having a base sp.attack in 125(!) which is just as high as reuniclus'.
  2. Nice idea! Wish you good luck with it! You'll probably be abusing the f*ck out of moxie mightyena and swords dance alolan sandslash Don't forget the simple mons like swoobat and bibarel they'll be handy too. I don't remember if the eviolite will be available soon but pre evolutions are available as well ofcourse so keep that in mind. Like eviolite gurdurr, piloswine, doublade or even chansey are very powerful. I might even try this one out myself! Minior is available too for some nice shell smashing. Intimidate Arbok could come in clutch even. Quagsire is even available woah did not expect that. (Alolan) marowak with thick club hits extremely hard, same for huge power diggersby and huge power belly drum aqua jet azumarill though. And pure power medicham ofcourse. Vivillon is Nice as well for sticky web for instance. You could also use it and something like venomoth to quiver dance up. And murkrow and wobbufet for some sneaky plays. Those are like pretty much all your options but when used well not even that bad now that I look into it!
  3. I know a game! Two even! They are called Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield. Really nice games with overworld pokemon and stuff.
  4. FYI; pokemon stop obeying you when they are 1 level past the level cap, so at 26,31,36 and so on. Good luck with your non-starter playthrough! Really like the idea.
  5. I would go with the second one as well. Greninja is meant to out speed and kill with stab attacks. And his level up moveset is not that great until later on. But Frogadier gets smack down at 33 which is really helpful. So imo you need that attack boost early on in this game. Later Greninja gets Extrasensory but tm dark pulse is quite late available as well so you could teach him night slash (with the move relearner) if necessary, otherwise at lvl 77 but idk if dark pulse is available by then. So an increased attack is really not that bad just like his 95 base attack stat. And as @Wolfox said you'll eventually be able to change his nature when needed.
  6. Swampert (mega, sweeper) Volcarona (Defensive Quiver dance (sweeper), defog-roost or just straight up offensive) Excadrill (sash rocks, sweeper, ballon, also a mon with so many options) Aegislash (always nice to be able to trick the AI with King Shield + sacred sword, sweeper) Trevenant (Defensive leech seed with horn leech, will-o-wisp or something like D-bond) Haxorus ((late-game) sweeper (dragon dance or even swords dance) + extra water resist) rotation: Tauros (ghost immunity, intimidate) Jolteon (speed control and volt switch + gets rain dance for mega swampert) Bisharp (Suckerpunch and dark resist) Talonflame/Xatu/Gliscor (ground immunity, defensive defog + get a strong prioritised brave bird off, or magic bounce, or Toxic orb poison heal with swords dance) I really love Corviknight and Dragapult as well but they won't be added to this game so at the end this is what i would pick out of your mons i guess.
  7. Calm mind Simple Swoobat put in a lot of work for me early game in one of my first playthrough. It gets Calm Mind at level 29 and Air slash not much levels after. I remember that i stopped using him when he was like level 50 so that's a long time it was usefull for me. But depending on your other team members it could potentially put in more work for you. That being said, for lategame i would definitely go for screens. Blaziken works really well with screens. So you could get a A-sandslash and get the Arora-veil TM at Serra and later on swap it out for a A-Ninetales. Sharpedo is good behind screens as well. Straight up offence is most of the time not a great idea to deal with the power Reborn attacks you with. With shift on it could work ofcourse but I always depended on pure luck at the double battles with my first playthroughs cause of I didn't had anything to take a hit so i could heal my mons. You could also go with something like a calm mind Slow Bro, it's kinda offensive, but can also take a hit if it needs to. But like @WildRoad said the rest of your team really depends on the mons you like to use and the playstyle you have or want to use, it's not like here are the 5 mons who go good with Blaziken haha.
  8. haha you have to trade a pokemon back I don't need anything back, just trade the torchic you got as a starter back.
  9. well actually no, It's not like they changed the download right before you clicked it to a game-file where the chance of getting adamant nature or speed boost on Torchic is lowered Jokes aside it's completely RNG like stated before. But if you really don't like to refresh i can probably trade you 1, not sure if i have 1 ready though.
  10. @doombotmecha A long time ago I posted something for Terra as well. I suggested Claydol as a pokemon to beat it with. I'll just copy paste and put the comment underneath for you to look into, I personally thought that's something worth trying and it works with the same principle as your Clefable but if you want to keep with your clefable and scolipede that's good too ofcourse! I'll drop the link of the thread here as well I guess i forgot/did not know about this as well at the time lol
  11. No problem man! I really like to help the people in need But you should really thank; www.smogon.com www.pokemonshowdown.com And if you want to get more into the competitive scene; www.youtube.com/pokeaimmd This man taught me everything I know. He explains his thinkingproces during battles very clearly, builds teams very precisely and I'm sure he will help you guys a lot! I'll recommend you guys to watch his latest Delcatty video. In this video he picks a random pokemon, then builds a team around it and then brings it to OU-tier. You really should check it out for yourself, very inspiring.
  12. No worries! You can always just drop it here if you still have questions or if you want to show it and if you want advice with novesets and EV spreads or something but I was thinking of something like this 4 physical attackers 2 special 3 defensive mons 3 attacking, win cons
  13. Well if you really want spikes I would go with a Chesnaught in your last slot. Your ground weakness is still very much a live and a poor physical defensive roserade won't help with that. And if you don't know the opponents team a t-spike is risky because he/she can just send out a poison type the next turn and your t-spike is gone. So i guess that a Chesnaught with spikes is a really good alternative. Well you could indeed mess around with some trick room, but because you're running defensive scizor you want his U-turns to be slow otherwise the pokemon coming in has to take the hit. A slow tyranitar with that much bulk and power isn't a problem as you will see later, you could run choice scarf primarina. Primarina is a popular mon to be choiced, either specs or scarf, both works. Depends on your match-up but isn't that always the case? You could ofcourse try it out, I would recommend Reuniclus as your Trick Room setter. Bulky, hits hard and gets calm mind. True but you want to exploid the strong sides of your pokemon. You want him to live as much hits as possible as a special wall to be a thread with his physical power. For example; Tyranitar @ Assault Vest Careful Nature Ability: Sand Stream EVs: 224 HP / 32 Atk / 252 SpD - Rock Slide - Crunch - Pursuit - Earthquake This set lives 2 specs hydro pumps of Greninja and KO's him with 2 Earthquakes or Rock slides. 252 SpA Choice Specs Greninja Hydro Pump vs. 224 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Tyranitar in Sand: 150-176 (37.7 - 44.3%) 32 Atk Tyranitar Rock Slide vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Greninja: 147-174 (51.5 - 61%) And the more it lives the more satisfying it gets for me at least ^^ You could run smooth rock ofcourse to give your excadrill more turns, but could damage the rest of your team as well. Or you could even make it banded or something, but again that's just really your choice what you personally prefer the most
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