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Timothy last won the day on October 5 2017

Timothy had the most liked content!


12 Fledgling

About Timothy

  • Birthday 06/02/2003

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  1. Well, um, okay then thanks i'll look into some of that
  2. Okay, so when I see a color as brown everyone else (excluding colorblind people) can also see that as brown because they learned that to be called brown. Except what if their brown is actually my green and my green is their brown? Everyone could be seeing things differently even though we all call it a certain color because we grew up with it. Black is a dark color and white is a bright color but white could be learned as dark and black as bright in my eyes but not in other peoples. What?
  3. I have just recently played through Reborn and Rejuvenation and upon coming back to the main cities after completing the way too addicting story, i feel nostalgic even after only playing it for about 2 days. You programmers put some weird drugs into your games.
  4. Welcome. I've only been here since August but even since then it is a very interesting forum
  5. If you have not yet you can go back to Team Xen's abandoned lab and take the railway.
  6. Thanks a bunch Njab i beat the entire game now.
  7. I left a reply saying that I was stuck in Crawli's Gym and was told to get patch 10 and interact with the ariados but the problem is there are only two ariados left as in two ariados in the entire gym to interact with even though the patch is applied. I'll try patching again to figure this out but if you could just get me up to Crawli it would be great. Thanks Game.rxdata
  8. In Crawli's Gym I got stuck because there is a lack of Ariados. If you could fix it by the end of Saturday I would be overjoyed you can email me the file timipema45@gmail.com. Game.rxdata
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