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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Mrfloppie11

  1. I just beat Amber(the fire gymleader with the party) and got my 8th badge. What do I do next?
  2. I just beat Amber, got badge number 8, problem is I havent played for two days and I dont remember what to do next
  3. Sorry this forum is confusing to me And I will
  4. I gave away the magma stone and went back to my friends, after that I was supposed to go to crawli with venam in order to find another way into mount valor. When I went to the gym and into the new back room I talked to venam and there was a "thump" noise and my character started walking upwards without any of my input. there is nothing I can do to stop it please help. Game.rxdata
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