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FraRPetO last won the day on August 20 2016

FraRPetO had the most liked content!


45 Developing


About FraRPetO

  • Birthday 03/28/1993

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  • Alias
    FraRPetO / Washman
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  • Location
    The Milky Way

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  1. i nominate the nuzlockemperor, bibs, for ember king
  2. Shoutout to bibs for always being ready to answer life's big questions
  3. We have dd, abbey, me, you, pyrrhon, cyanna, that kirby dude and some more that could join Also i nominate bibs for all categories
  4. No smash tournament? Sad times No nonary either? Even more sad
  5. bibs how did u become the nuzlockemperor
  6. Join this event ^^

  7. Pokémon: Zero Alliance is back!


  8. Pokémon: Zero Alliance hath returned'st! Some people might remember when the original Zero Alliance event happened, hosted by Amethyst herself. I'm happy to announce that the new Zero Alliance is happening soon™! If you know the concept of the earlier events such as PokéNations, this works in a similar fashion, but better! Each player will join an Alliance and each Alliance will own certain types. Players will battle using only the types within their own Alliance. But the ultimate goal in PZA is to eliminate all other Alliances by taking control of their types. There is war economy in this event with Cores as currency. You have to take the enemy's Cores by defeating them in battles and during an Auction, your Alliance will be able to spend Cores to gain types. The more Cores your Alliance gains, the more currency you'll have to get types. If an Alliance cannot secure a type in Auction, that Alliance is eliminated from the event. And unlike in Nations, you can freely leave and join any Alliance. You get to pick your own team. But what if someone betrays your Alliance and takes your hard-earned Cores with them? That would really be unfortunate. To learn more about the event, join the discord server: https://discord.gg/bnuJzcj
  9. The tournament is done and the winner is Azery. If you want to see the results and the replays, they are available in this link. https://challonge.com/victoryroadtournament
  10. The tournament has begun! Brackets are now ready and the participants are ready to battle. https://challonge.com/victoryroadtournament Join the discord server to follow the event and see battles live or replays of the matches! Cheer for your favorite player and check what their teams are. https://discord.gg/ZxHVtrP
  11. Round 6 of 10 for drafting Pokémon is going on.

    Join https://discord.gg/ZxHVtrP to see the teams so far, and cheer for your favorite player! 😮

  12. Full list of participants: alucs Azery Bazaro FraRPetO Fruitdealer Hycrox krim Logintomylife Lordofcold Lord Bagel Ody Pyrr Schmiss Swampellow Tack The DankWanker If you wanna follow the tournament and cheer for your favorite player, join this temporary discord server: https://discord.gg/ZxHVtrP
  13. Victory Road Do you play Pokémon Showdown regularly and do you consider yourself as a good battler? Then you are invited to this event. 16 players, 10 pokémon, and only 1 champion! This tournament will be based on a draft format, and will be run on https://discord.gg/ZxHVtrP. The rules of the tournament are simple: Lose once in the tournament and you'll be sent to the Loser's side where you still have a chance to win the tournament. But lose the second time, you're out of the tournament. Also known as Double Elimination. What about the 10 pokémon you draft? Each player will pick 10 pokémon, but you won't be able to pick the pokémon someone has already picked. The drafting will begin when enough people have registered for the tournament. You are allowed: 1 Mega pokémon and 1 OU pokémon 2 UU pokémon 3 RU pokémon 3 NU pokémon (or below) Requirements to enter this tournament: You are a good battler and have a decent knowledge of the art of battling. You are an active member of Reborn's discord server or have been an active member before and can be active for the duration of this tournament. How to register for the tournament: Post here or PM me on discord. If you have any questions, PM me on discord: my username is FraRPetO#2718 or simply post your questions here. The tournament is expected to last until august, but the drafting will begin when enough people have registered. Registered: Shadow Tack DW FraRPetO Fruitdealer Lord Bagel Logintomylife Bazaro Azery Swampellow Ody Hycrox alucs krim Lordofcold Guzam Schmiss
  14. nominating the nuzlockemperor himself, bibs, for ember king. #bibs2k19
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