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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by julien

  1. I tried all the balls
  2. Yes sure. Ok, thank you both for you answers
  3. Hello! I am stuck and need help for E18 (spoiler!)
  4. julien

    Shiny trade

    Hi! I am interested in your Gengar yes Alright I replied to your private message !
  5. julien

    Shiny trade

    thank you very much Luis!
  6. julien

    Shiny trade

    ok I send you a message
  7. julien

    Shiny trade

    So you want an Eevee? No problem No, I have those pkmns now, I will tell you the one I want as soon as I remember them lol, thank you very much!
  8. julien

    Shiny trade

    Hi all, I updated the list of shiny pokemons I can trade. Sorry for the bad quality, I could not manage to do it another way.
  9. julien

    Shiny trade

    No, thank you Ok, what is your id?
  10. julien

    Shiny trade

    No that's okay. Are you ready to trade?
  11. julien

    Shiny trade

    Hey I would like a Magby if you have one with good IVs, Golduck and Zorua please!
  12. julien

    Shiny trade

    I will take the bouffalant please!
  13. julien

    Shiny trade

    Yes I still do, send me a message when you want to trade! Ok for the Eevee too! All right! Send me a message when you are available
  14. julien

    Shiny trade

    Yes I do have a shiny one, let me know when you want to trade.
  15. julien

    Shiny trade

    Hi everyone, my computer broke and i just got a new one. So I am back, sorry for the delay!
  16. julien

    Shiny trade

    Hey guys, I have a problem with my save since a few days, it doesn't load when I open the game... I will keep you in touch as soon as it is over, but I have an older save on another computer with quite the same pokemons with lower levels except 4-5 that I won't have so let me know if you still want to trade @Lukasrid ouiiiii !
  17. julien

    Shiny trade

    Hello! Sorry I couldn't answer before but now I have plenty of time and I'll react faster Shiny Deino would be perfect! Ok ! send me a message when you are ready! Do you have shiny : cloyster, archeops, bewear, lycanroc? In any case, every shiny I do not have yet will be ok
  18. julien

    Shiny trade

    I'd like to have goomy, scyther, torchic, snorlax, machop ... in priority. I'll edit if I think about something else. But any pokemon I don't have is okay. In terms of items, i'm interested in evolution items and priority to dragon scale as i've been looking for it for a while. Yes ok! which pokemon do you want for it?
  19. julien

    Shiny trade

    Hello everyone, I have all these shinies to trade for other shinies I don't have yet or some with good IVs. Some of my pokemon have good IVs. I am also looking for a Dragon scale or other interesting items. I am waiting for your offers
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