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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Zabura

  1. It should be "Zabura" EDit: Thanks for the generosity man! Edit Edit: Dude! This shiny looks awesome!!! Thank you so much.
  2. Aww yeah man! That'd be awesome. What would you like in return for Beldum? If there's anything i can offer that would appeal?
  3. Umm, i really don't understand how much of this works. I would like a Beldum though? Maybe i have what you need to make the trade. Please Help
  4. Hey! Looking to get an Abra, Ralts or I would reallllly appreciate a Beldum (doesnt need to be shiny) for Aya (poison gym) Shinies would be cool, i could trade the folllowing shinies. Woobat, Vivillon, Sawk, Magcargo, Wingull and Klink Haven't done trades on Reborn before, so i might need some help Thanks in Advance!!!!
  5. Alright, thanks guys. I should beable to make use of an extra steel and ground type for this gym. I have a Klink that i can grind up, should beable to find a good ground type somewhere. Ideal level to raise them to, to be of use in the gym?
  6. (First time using a forum for posting a question. Be gentle) So I'm stuck at Aya (poison gym) Current Team: Serperior Lvl 45 Muk Lvl 45 Dewgong Lvl 45 Noibat Lvl 45 Arcanine Lvl 45 I love my team so far, but i think its time for my final member. I'm thinking a strong psychic type probably but of course that is why I'm here. Open to suggestions but i would like to keep all current members. Please Help!!!! I don't think i can have any of the following so far (please correct me if im wrong) Solosis Abra Ralts
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