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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Constantine

  1. I've got the same issue Akuma had. My original sprite was the male with the green hat. Game.rxdata
  2. If I were a gym leader...I wouldn't be using a specific type, but rather a team centered around a theme. Specifically, canine. To get to the "gym," you actually need a local guide to make sure you don't get lost in the woods because the roads and paths are overgrown. "Well take a look around. This place is pretty much just an abandoned town, full of dilapidated buildings and overgrown streets. This place was once a thriving community years ago, but nobody really knows why it declined, only that it did. Some think the place is under some kind of curse that chased everyone away. Others believe the people simply moved somewhere more prosperous. Either way, the town has laid empty ever since," Here the guide pauses, "Well, except for Constantine. Odd guy for a gym leader. He doesn't talk or really interact with anyone. Just stays silent and wanders the town." "Occasionally, punks from the next town over would set up shop, but Constantine always pushed them out. However, they're persistent kids and they kept coming back," He grimaces, "It's the strangest thing. Before, they were the kind to randomly destroy things for jollies. Now? They're focused on being like him, like they're trying to get his approval. They traded in their spiked leather jackets and mohawks for dusters and stetsons." He shrugs, "Don't get me wrong, most people don't mind that they're not smashing things anymore. But it was still kinda creepy when they all stopped talking. Anyway, if you want to challenge Constantine, you'll have to get through them first." Your guide gives the town a nervous glance, "I'd wish you luck, but I'm not sure how much that'd do for you there. I'll be over here until you're done." Trainers in the town use the varying "canine" pokemon. The puzzle is trying to figure out which one is actually the gym leader, since they all act and dress the same. Mysterious Stranger Constantine would like to battle! Opening Quote: "...Get ready." Team (Double Battle): "Lass" Stoutland (Normal) Female Ability: Intimidate Moveset: Giga Impact (Normal), Wild Charge (Electric), Crunch (Dark), Work Up (Normal) "Ranger" Houndoom (Dark/Fire) Male Ability: Flash Fire Moveset: Sunny Day (Fire), Flamethrower (Fire), Sludge Bomb (Poison), Solar Beam (Grass) "Bullet" Arcanine (Fire) Female Ability: Intimidate Moveset: Flamethrower (Fire), Crunch (Dark), Brick Break (Fighting), Extremespeed (Normal) "Boulder" Lycanroc (Rock) Male Ability: Steadfast Moveset: Accelerock (Rock), Rock Tomb (Rock), Crunch (Dark), Stone Edge (Rock) "Bolt" Manectric (Electric) Male Ability: Static Moveset: Thunder (Electric), Discharge (Electric), Double Team (Normal), Rain Dance (Water) "Fang" Mightyena (Dark) Male Ability: Intimidate Moveset: Crunch (Dark), Sucker Punch (Dark), Thunder Fang (Electric), Snarl (Dark) Losing Quote: "...Better luck next time." Victory Quote: "...Well done, kid." After the battle, Constantine gives you the Pack Badge and a TM before wandering out of sight. Because the team's moveset is so varied, the TM given is randomly picked from Sludge Bomb, Rock Tomb, or Wild Charge.
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