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Zen Wilfred

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zen Wilfred

  1. Oh-- that explains it. xD thank you!
  2. Coral ward, okay. And one more thing-- Chatot?
  3. Zen Wilfred

    Mime Jr??

    So i went and trade a sunkern to the npc that was suppose to give you mime, jr but i got a rock/fairy type instead. The question is, where can i find mr, mime/mime jr?
  4. @walpurgis Would you mind jabbing the Aurora veil Tm into my save file as well? ^^` Game.rxdata.rar
  5. Three more hours until I get swept on the first try.

    ;-; oh boy, the joy...

  6. Woke up on the wrong side of the bed.


    Now I have a splitting headache.

  7. Tell me whenever you're ready! I'll be at the waiting screen. I just got out the water treatment center ;w; sorreh for the late reply
  8. Okay, and no need~ I think two is enough for Titania. ;w; unless she want moar. Oh and if it's not much trouble for you, do you have a 5IV ditto to spare?
  9. Yay, I'm back! And oh, uhm. Do you have 5Iv Porygon, Syther and Psyduck? Pokerus isn't necessary. Genderless mons are hard to breed but I'm stuck in Agate. ;w; Oh, and please make them hold Blue Moon IceCream if you have any. It's for Titania. ^w^ Please, and thank you! PM me whenever you're available~!
  10. *Bump~* Heyo! I'm back, again- Finally after life punched me in the gut. xD I'mma need Male and Female Ralts (5Iv's) -For Espurr and Growlithe- And do you have Turtwig? I've been in love with that Pokemon since I got my hands on it in rom hacks. ;w;
  11. What if a new dragon type in Pokemon have an ability that absorbed Fairy type moves into it's health, just like Volt Absorb.


    .... eue ...then again. Mega Altaria is already enough trouble.

    1. Wolfox


      because 1: that would be really, really stupid to buff dragons after inventing a type just to nerf them.

      and 2: how would you justify that?

    2. Azeria


      fairy is a stupid broken type

      nerf plox

    3. Wolfox


      fairy typing itself isn;t even that broken, the issue is that when combined with certain types it IS broken.

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