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Zen Wilfred

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zen Wilfred

  1. I would want one Flying Alpine Camel and one Fluffy warm Camel please. ;w; Little Zen doesn't know much about time differences so hopefully this post will be in the right time.
  2. Me whenever I'm in a double battle using Venusaur: "Petal Dance everything."

  3. I'll trade with you shortly~ I'm fighting team meteor, there's no pc here. ;w; I'll tell you once I'm out.
  4. When i use Zoroark...

    Even I'm confused as to why my Sylveon have Dark Pulse. xD

    1. Alistair


      They're not a bad Sylveon, they just hide a darker side ;) 

    2. Wolfox


      Sylveon used mind scramble! It's supper effective!

  5. Voltsy: "Earthquake everything."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zen Wilfred

      Zen Wilfred

      Voltsy: "Discharge everything."

    3. Anime


      you can't discharge ground types :>


      you can dazzling meme gleam everything tho c:

    4. Zen Wilfred

      Zen Wilfred

      Destiny bond everything then. xD

      cheap way to win against pulses. ;w; but they're tough so..

  6. Hn~ I guess, a male Dewbble without egg moves. Because I only need 'em to sort the IV after I'm done with getting egg moves on other female pokemons.
  7. I'm back, again! Also, I would like to offer a Male Aipom (egg move is only Covet. 'Cuz y'know, it's... Handy.... I failed that pun I know it. xD ) for a male Togepi. Oh and about the 5IV giveaway. Do you have a Dwebble around?
  8. ;w; Why do I feel like Absol will only appear if someone is dying???

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Anime


      well you'll know when you see the E17 Intro

    3. Zen Wilfred

      Zen Wilfred

      The intro to ep 17 has quite the blast.



    4. Anime


      Btw your Duskull and Lapras are ready check your PMs dude :>

  9. You wrote the end to your own life story~

  10. I want one of those fantastic Magikarp. If there's any left. xD
  11. I would like the 5IV Misdreavus please~ Got a 6IV Eevee from wondertrade and I already have enough Eevees for Eeveelutions. ;w; I don't wanna throw them so I figure I wanna trade 'em for trades.
  12. Okay~ I'm at the waiting screen~ ID: Zen Wilfred
  13. yay~! Tell me when you're ready to trade. ;w; P/s: Sorry for the late reply. ;w;
  14. Ah, I see, but Rodamus is the 11th gym leader-- ;A; Sorry but if you've done the 7th street quest, can you buy the Light Ball for me?
  15. Username: Zen Wilfred Trainer Name: Zen
  16. Hmm, the forum said that there are Light Balls being sold in the 7th Street. Dunno where 7th street is tho.
  17. I'm here. xD Had to do something just now. I'm back. I'll be at the waiting screen~ o^o/
  18. xD okay~ Also, can you put the soothe bell on a Pichu?
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