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Fervis last won the day on February 19

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302 Altruist

About Fervis

  • Birthday 04/30/1996

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    Gaming, Manga - Webtoons - Anime
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  1. i am working on another optional switch that will remove the ability changes that are added, yes! however, this will only change the direct changes to the abilities, not changes to available abilities of pokemon.
  2. there is no real decision, i was referring to the pokemon that were not available in gen8 and are not available in gen9, thus they only have their latest movepools of generation 7. The ones that do exist in Gen8 / Gen9 will get their respective movepool updates (TM learnsets etc will be updated for all of them of course, just their Lvl up pool)
  3. oh sorry. Hmm Zirconeon is a tricky question... I did an overhaul to a bunch of Eeveelutions, including Zirconeon - replacing it for Basaleon. You can look at it on the front page under the Eeeveelution section. If so, you will need to let eevee hold lagging tail and lvl up to evolve it into the new rock type
  4. The movepool compilation was intially planned for Reatomized (the other mod im'm affiliated with). There was a majority of consent for adding them to AllGen at that time too. However, except for some minor changes (balance wise), this will be reverted when 19.5 drops (im currently playtesting it). Movepools are really really complicated (and tremendously time consuming) because so many mons are missing from gen 8 / 9, thus leaving a hole for TMs and such. With the current project in WIP to integrate a Gen9 engine into the base game by Reborn Devs, I will be using that when it releases (19.6), until then I will make only important changes to the movepools to add evolution methods (like Hyper Drill etc) to respective mons. Tl;dr For now AllGen will keep this movepool compilation (but I also grew a bit opposed to it for AllGen anyway), but except for some balancing reasons (like Primeape learning Rage Fist later) the upcoming 19.5 version will contain gen 7 movepools for most mons. I might work on them for important mons though. (like dunsparce, said primeape etc.)
  5. i'm only active in the Reborn circle, i doubt AllGen as that exists for Desolation. Not sure if there are other gen8/9 mods though. Yeah some Pokemon became quite different in their movesets, mainly for balancing reasons (especially gen8/9) or so that all moves can get squeezed into their learning pool You can check out the Movepool Compilation Link on the front page by Gelius, it's under the Features list! I did some minor changes here and there, but overall you can use that sheet as a guide
  6. after beating Adrienn (14th Badge in Coral Ward), you can talk to an NPC in the Peridot Ward Train Station (a Hiker). He will give you a puzzle, you need to visit the areas in a specific order: 1. at the entrance of the Teknite Cave 2. near the location Corey's PokeBalls are 3. inside Sugiline Cave, in the Garchomp statue room - the left path
  7. its evolution Appletun is found in the area "Once upon a waste of time" in grass, not headbutt, I was mistaken on that! I also added Applin to neo obsidia ward in the morning, but im not 100% sure if that's already in the latest patch. For charcadet its evolution method currently is level up during night/day (respectively) and holding the armor instead of an on-use effect. I will change that on a later patch. So let it hold the auspicious armor during day and lvl up (Armarouge) or Malicious Armor during night and lvl up (Ceruledge)
  8. if you mean what I said about the gen 9 engine then yes, it is already planned and a work in progress to incorporate the gen9 content. Post restoration you will find it as a headbutt encounter in the area before Titania's castle (Once upon a somewhere)
  9. I have not yet looked into other mods for 19.5 and how they exactly work, so I cannot say if they will be compatible. I cannot be certain, but a doubt they will.
  10. Yes, they will most likely not work. I didn't test it yet, but I will do at some point, though I pretty much guarantee it won't be compatible. It's also gonna take quite some time still, until release~
  11. Glad you had a good time! I am currently working on transferring most parts (even though there's gonna be gen8/9 support for modders in some months) i currently finished implementing gen8 content (at least code-wise and sprites etc), though i cannot say how long it will take to add the rest of the content, so i cannot set an explicit date. Especially since i want to redo the whole trainer teams and encounters its gonna take at least a month or two, probably.
  12. you can start the game via rpg maker, or use a debug mod. then you start the game as usual and choose compile all data via the debug menu in the options I recommend you joining the Reborn discord if you want to further mod any game content of reborn, it's way easier to explain there and get more feedback of others.
  13. The move text file you did is still for 19.5. For AllGen to work (or 19.17 in general) you will need to add the move into the PBS Moves.txt. Afterwards you have to compile data for it to take effect.
  14. Someone on the Discord found the issue, it was a typo in the move Acupressure (i wrote Accupressure...) I will fix that with the next patch~ This will probably also fix the received egg to basculin as well. The code you did is for Reborn 19.5, AllGen is currently still on 19.16, and it will take a while until everything is ready for 19.5. hmm that's a good point. Technically every pokemon is obtainable at least twice (depending on if they have an evolution or similar), however, alternative forms i don't think. I guess that you can complete the dex, except for if you want another copy of the legendary birds in galarian form, since the item alters the ones you obtain in the original event. And Happy New Year to all btw!
  15. that's the most ideal approach, yep! everything custom-made and added afterwards i have to/ will do myself anyways, but gen8/9 additions will take a huge load off.
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