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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Denoxar

  1. Conkeldurr: Lvl 88 Item: Assault Vest Ability: Guts Moves: Rock Smash Power-Up Punch Thunder Punch Ice Punch Swampert: Lvl 85 Item: Earth Plate Ability: Damp Moves Rock Slide Hammer Arm Surf Earthquake Dragalge: Lvl 84 Item: Draco Plate Ability: Adaptability Moves: Dragon Pulse Waterfall Sludge Wave Dive Volcarona: Lvl 88 Item: Assault Vest Ability: Flame Body Moves: Fly Flamethrower Bug Buzz Quiver Dance Sceptile: Lvl 80 Ability: Overgrow Item: Meadow Plate Moves: X-Scissor Leaf Blade Giga Drain Crunch Gardevoir: Lvl 85 Ability: Trace Item: Pixie Plate Moves: Calm Mind Moonblast Psychic Magical Leaf In-Training/Reserve: Viscogon: Lvl 56 Item: None Ability: Hydration Moves: Dragon Pulse Muddy Water Poison Tail Power Whip Decidueye: Lvl 55 Item: Decidium-Z Ability: Long Reach Moves: Spirit Shackle Leaf Blade Confuse Ray Synthesis Noivern : Lvl 54 Item: None Ability: Frisk Moves: Air Slash Super Fang Razor Wind Tailwind Mawile: Lvl 35 Item: None Ability: Sheer Force Moves: Feint Attack Baton Pass Crunch Iron Defense Spheal: Lvl 1 Item: None Ability: Thick Fat Moves: Defense Curl Powder Snow Growl Water Gun Dusknoir: Lvl 79 Items: Spell Tag Ability: Pressure Moves: Shadow Ball Strength Brick Break Confuse Ray Metang: Lvl 39 Item: None Ability: Clear Body Moves: Take Down Psychic Zen Headbutt Scary Face I would like to hear advice from some ''veterans'' regarding my Team and the backups as i am not sure if they are that good Thank you very much for any Advice in advance ^^
  2. @Zarc 8/10 Quite Beautiful indeed ^^
  3. I did it too and got: Well i cant see my lover but i got th power to clone myself so i am running a 50 man agency without employing anyone XD
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