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Everything posted by Rowigrath
Now I said that I wouldn't be breeding, but I saw a picture of the Shiny Solrock, and I just had to have one. And guess what: I got a second one! So I'm putting the extra one up for the taking! I can't breed for IVs and whatnot at this time, but it's still a Shiny Solrock! It's really cool~ Hasty Nature with Rock Thrown, Tackle, Harden, and Confusion. Moveset ain't special, but hopefully that won't deter people from wanting to snag this 'mon!
I have a truly AMAZING treat for y'all today. I have TWO Shiny Aron available for grabs! That's right, TWO of them! They look fantastic! The first has Rock Head, is a Gentle Nature, and has Roar, Iron Head, Rock Slide, and Take Down. The second has Sturdy, the same moveset as the first, and is Lax Nature. Both are level 30. The one pictured is the one with a Gentle Nature. I have also gotten a Shiny Crawdaunt! Lv 33, Rash Nature with Knock Off, Night Slash, Swift, and Razor Shell. Looks pretty cool. I'd keep it myself, but I really want to get a Corphish~ So feel free to snag this Crawdaunt from me! Got another Noibat! It's Lv. 50, Modest with Infiltrator. Moves are Tailwind, Whirlwind, Super Fang, Air Slash. I also have a Shiny Binacle and a Shiny Tentacool! The Binacle is Quiet with AncientPower, Hone Claws, Fury Cutter, Night Slash. The Tentacool is Impish with Screech, Hex, Sludge Wave, and Hydro Pump.
Just a heads-up, I have seen a Lv 77 Seismitoad on Azurine Island. So if people don't want to evolve the previous evos just to get one, you can find one there. I've only seen one of them, but they are there. I will take a screenshot next time I find one.
Well, great news y'all! I've gotten a second Graveler, Geodude, and Stunfisk... as well as a Noibat! Pardon me while I rave about how awesome this really is. Because... wow! This is so cool~ Noibat is Lax nature with Air Cutter, Roost, Razor Wind, and Tailwind. And it honestly looks fantastic~ If I find any more Pokemon, I'll let you know. Wish me luck: I'm going to a new area to find some new Pokemon... and if I'm really lucky, I'll get a Shiny Corphish and/or a Krabby! I didn't find Corphish or Krabby, but I did find a Shiny Quagsire and two Shiny Gloom! First up, the Quagsire. Mild nature with Mud Bomb, Amnesia, Yawn, and Earthquake. I think the color scheme fits it very well! Here's the higher level Gloom. It's Quiet with Toxic, Natural Gift, Petal Blizzard, and Grassy Terrain. The other is lv 45, Impish, and has Moonlight, Giga Drain, Toxic, and Natural Gift. It also has Stench.
Alright, I've got awesome news for y'all. I've gotten some more Shiny Pokemon! Some have been traded, such as the Delibird, but I've gotten some new ones today! And I plan to hunt for a good long while, so I should get several more. Anyways, I've gotten a second Shiny Throh, a few Shiny Basculin, and I have a Shiny Numel as well! Edit: I also have gotten a Shiny Graveler! The Numel is Simple, has a Lonely Nature, and has Earth Power, Lava Plume, Take Down, and Curse. The Basculin is lv 40 and has Adaptability, so it's a different one than the one pictured above. But yeah, I'll add more Pokemon that I find to the list, so feel free to ask for them at any time! (Edit) This Graveler is Relaxed with Sand Viel, and has Smack Down, Bulldoze, Self Destruct, and Stealth Rock! In case you wanted a Geodude instead of a Graveler for the sake of the Pokedex, this Bold Geodude should be right up your alley! It's got Self Destruct, Earthquake, Stealth Rock, and Rock Blast! And here we have an awesome Stunfisk! Look at the Shiny color on that! It's a Serious nature with Thunder Shock, Mud Shot, Camouflage (heh... puns~), and Mud Bomb. All of these are up for grabs!
Yes I am. It might be my game acting up. I'll shut it off and turn it on again, maybe that will help. Thanks a million for the Timburr and the Binacle! I really appreciate it~
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Alright, let me get my Pokemon I'm trading to you ready. Just I'll just need one minute. Alright, I'm set and ready~
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Sounds grand. I'll be around for awhile, so hit me up whenever you've got a chance. Thanks a million! Oh, and the username is Rowi.
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@Zarc A Timburr and a Binacle. I won't need a Bergmite after all, since I figured I could find one on my own and save y'all the trouble. They are fairly common to find, and since I've got a Shiny Charm, I might as well try my luck~ A Shiny Timburr and/or Binacle would be amazing, but no need to go out of your way to find one. Any will do, really.
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Alrighty, Modest it is! I'll take it out of the PC box and I'll stand by for the trade request! Thanks a million for the Phantump and the Misdreavus! Enjoy the Charmander and the Basculin!
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Rowi is my username. And I did get a better Charmander that might work better for the Outrage move it has. It's Naughty, as opposed to Modest, and it's IV for Attack is 25. I can also give it Solar Power, if you wanted that instead. Which one would you prefer?
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Sounds good. I'll just breed a spare Charmander for myself, for future trading. I don't plan on using a Charmander or it's evolutions at all, so it's no biggie. I'm glad to give it to you. And I'll give you the Basculin with Mold Breaker, if that's alright: it's probably a better ability for it regardless. I'll also keep on the hunt for other Shinies for trading to you guys as well: might as well help contribute to your ranks of Pokemon and whatnot!
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@Trufa I do have a Charmander I can give you. It's a Modest Charmander with Solar Power and Pokerus. It also has Outrage. I also have 2 Shiny Basculin that I'm more than happy to trade as well: One is Adamant with Mold Breaker, the other is Timid with Reckless. A Shiny Phantump would be awesome: I don't mind the gender at all. As for the Misdreavus, I don't mind if it's good IV or not, nor if it's Shiny or not. Whatever is easiest for you to get is more than fine by me. I don't have a Gastly, Magikarp, or an Axew, but I could see if I can find one.
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Ah, gotcha. Time to find some Luvdisc and take their Heart Scales! And I can probably find another Pokemon to use Sleep Powder with, someone a bit lower in level so I can reliably capture Pokemon. But thanks for the advice once again! I'll get to work on that right away~
@Zarc Not a problem. I'm more than happy to wait until then! Thanks a ton!
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Hello, Zarc and Co! I have a few requests for some Pokemon. But before I get into that, I'd like to ask if you guys have a list of Shiny Pokemon available. I know that Shiny Pokemon got updated looks, and I'm curious to see if you've got a list of some really cool and unique Shiny Pokemon. If not, no worries! I am just curious, and since I've done a few trades with y'all before, I thought I'd ask if you've got any info on some of the more interesting Shiny Pokemon. Anyways, on to business: I'm looking for a Deino, a Timburr, a Bergmite, a Phantump, a Binacle, and a Misdreavus. I know that is a lot of Pokemon to ask for, so I'm hoping to just snag one or two of them. Whichever of these are the easiest for you to obtain. If they can be shiny, I'd be really happy~ (Of course, this isn't required if it's too much of a hassle.) They don't have to be perfect IVs, either, and they don't need egg moves. That about does it. If any of these Pokemon can be obtained, I'm happy to do some trading for them. I do have a few Shinies I can trade (Shiny Slugma, Delibird, Throh, Sawk, and Tranquill), or I can do some breeding and trade a Rotom or a few starters that I have. Anyways, thanks a million in advance!
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Alolan Ninetales is out? Oh goodness, where have I been? Oh yeah, I was battling Fern and Blaze for 3 hours straight... God that battle was such a DRAG. Anyways, that's a very good suggestion. And yes, I do need more Pokemon to handle Fighting-types: honestly, Delphox can't do the job on his own, since it's main role is for support. And yeah, I can't believe I missed out of Quiver Dance Lilligant... I'll have to find out how to grab that and Sleep Powder ASAP. I need Sleep Powder anyways: I don't have reliable status infliction for capturing Pokemon, and I don't want my Magnezone to kill something like a Shiny by accident. And good point, I've got plenty of ability capsules so I can grab a Drought Ninetales really fast. Then I can have the Rainbow Field if I combine it with my Swanna's Rain Dance~ And Vanilluxe will be getting Snow Warning? Yes~ That'll stop those dang Dragons cold! Could have used that against the Garchomp on the mountain, but oh well. At least I can snag it now~ Thanks for the tips!
Now, I know I said I wasn't gonna be breeding for awhile, but I actually decided to work on IV breeding. So I have been breeding for IVs (thanks to Gengar768 giving me a 6IV Ditto!) and I've made some headway. I do plan on changing up the topic and cleaning up this trading thread very soon, so don't be surprised if the topic changes and whatnot! In major trading news, I've gotten 3 6IV Pokemon (non-shiny) that I am willing to trade. One is a Magnemite, another is a Petilil, and the other is a Rhyhorn. I also have a Shiny Magnemite (31 IVs in Speed and 30 in HP) to trade, as well as the other various Shinies I have gotten for the past... I dunno how long. I'm going to post a few pictures after I get my thread cleaned up a bit, and then I'll gladly take trade and/or breeding requests. I also have several other 5IV Magnemites, Rhyhorns, and Petilil that I'm more than happy to give away as well. You don't have to trade me anything major: just whatever you feel like trading. I do appreciate getting Pokemon I don't have, so I can breed them and trade them to others who might not have them, but that is not required. Feel free to just give me a trash 'mon if that's all you've got or feel like trading. Anyways, I'm gonna be around and breeding for awhile (I want to get a Shiny Petilil~) so feel free to hit me up on the forums when I'm all done with editing the thread! Happy hunting~
=Rotation Pokemon= Lv 57 Cofagrigus (Female) (It's a Shiny~) Quiet Ability: Mummy Stats: HP: 141; Atk: 72; Def: 174; Sp. Atk: 143; Sp. Def: 125; Speed: 41 Item: None Moves: Destiny Bond, Shadow Ball, Trick Room, Mean Look It's basically been a trapping, suicide 'mon for me. And it's honestly saved my bacon more than once. Not to mention the Shiny form looks amazing~ When I level it up properly, I bet it'll be a very solid contender for a spot on the main team for Episode 17! For now, it's in rotation, since I'm doing some breeding rather than leveling. Lv. 58 Swanna (Female) Quiet Ability: Big Pecks Stats: HP: 170; Atk: 122; Def: 93; Sp. Atk: 138; Sp. Def: 90; Speed: 120 Item: None Moves: Bubble Beam, Hurricane, Rain Dance, Tailwind This Pokemon originally was only going to be used for dealing with Charlotte's field effects. And it did beautifully, despite being REALLY underleveled. So I kept it around, and I decided to put it in my rotation team. It's not perfect, but it's been solid so far, and I'm sure I'll need a Flying-type eventually~ Lv. 49 Vanilluxe (Male) Rash Ability: Ice Body Stats: HP: 138; Atk: 123; Def: 97; Sp. Atk: 146; Sp. Def: 102; Speed: 87 Item: None Moves: Ice Beam, Hail, Mirror Shot, Mirror Coat Honestly, I forgot why I have this Pokemon... But it's been useful for sure. I just have the worst memory ever, so I totally forgot when I used it. But seriously, it's a good Pokemon, and when I level it up quite a bit more, I'm sure it will do quite well against a certain Dragon-type leader~ Lv 57 Gardevoir (Female) Calm Ability: Trace Stats: HP: 168; Atk: 96; Def: 104; Sp. Atk: 172; Sp. Def: 172; Speed: 119 Item: None Moves: Psychic, Calm Mind, Future Sight, Draining Kiss I spent some time leveling this 'mon up for future battles, and to deal with Samson. My only other Fairy-type that was semi-usable was my Slurpuff and... well, I just prefer Gardevoir for a game like this one (though I happily use Slurpuff for Hackmons in Pokemon Showdown~). It's done some work, and it's pretty bulky in Special Defense as well~ Lv. 52 Ninetales (Female) Hasty Ability: Flash Fire Stats: HP: 145; Atk: 109; Def: 92; Sp. Atk: 92; Sp. Def: 128; Speed: 139 Item: None Moves: Flamethrower, Extrasensory, Will-O-Wisp, Hex I'm sure many of you can tell why I've put this 'mon in rotation rather than my main team: that special attack is actually garbage. However, for a Fire-type, it's got some good HP and Sp. Def. Here's why: other than the Special Attack, all of the stats' IVs are 31. The special attack's IVs? ...3. Anyways, I'll just have to change its nature with a Heart Scale later and level it up a bit. Then it should be much better. Also, the moveset for this Ninetales ain't too bad, so I plan on keeping it for the sake of additional coverage~ Anyways, thanks y'all for sticking around my team descriptions for so long! Let me know what you think, and what 'mons could be good replacements for Episode 17! Have a lovely day, and happy training