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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Rowigrath

  1. As the title says, I just beat Adrienn, and I thought I'd show off my current team and Pokemon in rotation. Because I'll be honest, I'm surprised I made it this far. Reborn is really difficult, as many of you know, and my team is a typical in-game team for a typical Pokemon game: how I actually managed to get 14 badges in without tearing out my hair is beyond me! Anyways, here's my team (and the rotation Pokemon as well). Oh, and all of them have gotten Pokerus~ =Main Team= Lv. 78 Magnezone Modest Ability: Analytic Stats: HP: 218; Atk: 130; Def: 199; Sp. Atk: 270; Sp. Def: 157; Speed: 136 Item: Metal Coat Moves: Magnet Rise, Metal Sound, Discharge, Flash Cannon This Pokemon has been one of the two anchors for my team for... like 85% of my playthrough (though it was a Magnemite and Magneton for pretty much all of that barring the 14th gym). It's saved my team from being defeated more times than I can count, and even though it's not a perfectly bred Magnezone, I'm more than happy with how it's performed! Lv. 77 Kingler (Female) Adamant Ability: Sheer Force Stats: HP: 199; Atk: 273; Def: 216; Sp. Atk: 115; Sp. Def: 101; Speed: 150 Item: Scope Lens Moves: Stomp, Crabhammer, Brick Break, Knock Off My other anchor, Kingler has done just as much work for my team as my Magnezone, if not a bit more! I don't have a lot of moves currently that work great with Sheer Force (barring Stomp), but despite that, it's been a powerhouse that cannot be denied. Lv. 73 Delphox (Male) Timid Ability: Magician Stats: HP: 220; Atk: 135; Def: 140; Sp. Atk: 193; Sp. Def: 176; Speed: 206 Item: Light Clay Moves: Psychic, Flamethrower, Light Screen, Mystical Fire My starter. Let me just say, Light Screen and Mystical Fire can make a very dangerous combo. In a single battle, it can effectively cripple a Sp. Attacker, and allow me to heal my other Pokemon like the scrub I am~ It's not as great of a combo in double battles, but Light Screen by itself does the job just fine. Delphox is basically the reason my Kingler and Rhydon can survive special attacks. Speaking of Rhydon... Lv. 75 Rhydon (Female) Adamant Ability: Rock Head Stats: HP: 275; Atk: 246; Def: 223; Sp. Atk: 101; Sp. Def: 106; Speed: 107 Item: Wide Lens Moves: Mega Horn, Stone Edge, Hammer Arm, Earthquake My physical tank, and personal favorite Pokemon. Also the one Pokemon that's almost perfect in IVs (31 in everything but Attack). I wanted it to effectively hit the opponent and actually be useful, so I gave it a Wide Lens to increase accuracy. It's helped quite a bit. It wasn't super useful at first, but after awhile, it became a solid addition that I could rely on solidly. Lv. 69 Walrein (Female) (And it's Shiny~) Relaxed Ability: Thick Fat Stats: HP: 254; Atk: 139; Def: 177; Sp. Atk: 161; Sp. Def: 137; Speed: 96 Item: NeverMeltIce Moves: Surf, Hail, Blizzard, Iron Tail The Dragon Killer, and a mixed tank. I found it in the wild as a shiny Spheal, and I decided to keep it. It actually looks pretty dang cool~ Lv. 73 Lilligant (Female) (And it's Shiny~) Timid Ability: Own Tempo Stats: HP: 219; Atk: 114; Def: 142; Sp. Atk: 184; Sp. Def: 137; Speed: 183 Item: None Moves: Giga Drain, Aromatherapy, Petal Dance, Energy Ball One of my favorite Pokemon ever, and the first Pokemon I ever got to be Shiny in an official game. Not this particular Lilligant, of course. A different one. Anyways, I've always loved this Pokemon, and so I asked to get a shiny one, and some gracious person gave me one. I believe it was Purple here in the forums... Anyways, this has been a very nice Pokemon for a long time, and I couldn't be happier with the shiny form. It's awesome! I'll put the Pokemon in rotation in the next post~
  2. Take your time. I found a few Pokemon to trade with. They aren't amazing or anything, so I apologize for that.
  3. Heya Purple! I've got a question for ya. Could I possibly get a 5iv Adamant Cubchoo and Rhyhorn? I'd love to get those, if you could do that. They wouldn't have to have Pokerus: I can already pass that with my own Pokemon. Thanks a million if you can pull that off! If not, then no worries: as long as they're Adamant, I'll be happy~
  4. Helping out people is never a waste of time~ Plus, breeding is fun! In any case, I'm gonna enjoy the 'mons and have a blast! Hopefully you do too. Toodles for now!
  5. Thanks a million! I really appreciate this~ And if I find any good Eevees for you, I'll send them your way sometime!
  6. Alright, I got a Meowth. It's not too bad. It's Modest female with some good IVs. Nothing perfect, but it's better than most wild Meowth.
  7. Alright, I'm all set. Both Tepig and Drifloon have Pokerus. Let me know when you're ready.
  8. Well, it's almost hatched, so I'll just hatch it and send it to you. Plus, I always like to give a fair trade when I can. It's no biggie. Just a bit longer and we're all good~
  9. Rowi is the ID. Let me see if I can get you one more good 'mon with Pokerus real fast. Shouldn't take more than a few minutes. I do still have the Tepig, so I'm going to see if I can get a good Drifloon with Pokerus for you, since apparently I can breed one. Shouldn't take too long.
  10. Alright, I just got up. Sorry about the delay: I didn't have any coffee, so I needed a bit more to wake up properly~ I'll quickly get Reborn up so we can trade.
  11. I'll do my best to make it a good trade for the both of us. Pokerus will surely be included, and I do have a Tepig raring to go for you. Hopefully I'll get lucky with my other Wondertrades so I can breed something fun for ya.
  12. Of course. Not a problem at all. That'll give me plenty of time to get other Pokemon bred for trading. I am usually up and active around 3:30pm your time, so I'm sure we can figure out some time to get this done. Hope you get a good rest!
  13. I dunno if you are still doing trades or not, but if you are, I would absolutely love to have either a Yamask or a Petilil. If they are shiny, that's fantastic. If not, that's not a problem at all. I don't have any shinies to trade in return, but I can easily get you lv1 good nature Pokemon with Pokerus, including Tepig. My supply of Pokemon I can give is limited as I am still pretty new to the game, but I'll provide you with what I can in return! Edit: I forgot that I need the female Pokemon in order to get a specific Pokemon, since I don't have a Ditto. I will work on getting a Ditto ASAP for breeding purposes (and to save money). My apologies for my mistake on what I thought I could breed at this time. And the my username for the Online Play is Rowi, just FYI.
  14. Got this fine lookin' Magnemite from Wondertrade! It has Pokerus AND it's Modest. I'm definitely gonna use it to put Pokerus on 'mons I hope to send out via Wondertrade! Also got a Tepig and a Drifloon, which I hope to breed and send out more of as soon as possible.
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