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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by jred

  1. Thanks for the suggestion. I think I'll play the game from the beginning again.
  2. I've seen this website before with the Pokemon Rejuvenation articles. Might check it out again as a reminder for certain events.
  3. thx for the suggestion. I checked out the google doc ti seems like it's an actual summary of the game so far. It'll most likely help me out as I try to get back into the game again.
  4. Hello to whoever reads this, I am a returning member of this community and I recently found out that Version/Episode 13 of Pokemon Rejuvenation was released like two weeks ago or so. I know it's been two years or sum like that since the last version of this game came out. I was in Grade 10 or so when that version came out. Now I'm about to be a freshman going into uni. Crazy lol. Anyways I want to get back into playing the game w/ the new version but it seems pretty intimidating for me because I've forgotten basically everything(kinda?). Obviously I remember some bits and pieces of the events throughout the game but for the most part I forgot let's say like 99% of the plot(not an exaggeration). Is there someway of getting a brief summary of basically everything that's happened in the game so far? Ik they're doing some sort of project over there on the rejuv wiki that will explain all the events that has happened so far so if I have to wait until I can see that then I'll gladly be patient then. In the meantime, even though I still have my save file from back then, I don't mind replaying this game from the beginning again Anyways I'm glad that this game is back and I'm looking forward to playing it again. Although it took awhile, thank you to all the people who worked hard these last two years to bring us this new version
  5. Hello to whoever is reading this, I just currently started V11 in Pokemon Rejuvenation and I'm currently at Grand Dream City right now. My problem is the map. If I go to the map here in GDC, the map just shows a complete blank. But, if I were to go back to Gearen City, my map would show but there are still some missing parts to it as far as I could remember. So can anyone please fix this? Thank you and have a good day. Game.rxdata
  6. yeah ur right i never knew so my bad and thanks
  7. So I was at tanzan cove to get myself the larvitar. However, when i got there the only thing that was in that area was the flower garden read out and not with the larvitar. I don't know if this is a bug or not but can someone please fix this problem. I have attached my game file down below. Thank you and have a good day:) Game.rxdata
  8. I'm late af but anyways, I finally finished E17. And now I'm pretty sad lol. Reason to that is because this game is actually sooooo good. And now, I'm most likely gonna wait a couple of months till the next ep comes in:( So all I'm just asking is what I can do in the meantime before the next ep. The only major thing I did so far was to get the mega z-ring. And that's about it tbh. So is there anything else I can do???(Btw, if anyone cares, just like most of the reborn players, I myself choose the zekrom path) - Thanks and have a good day:))))))
  9. jred


    Alright, so this is kind of a weird question. Is there a way to IV train pokemon? I know there's ev training as such so I'm just wondering if there's a way to iv train.
  10. Hello everyone, I'm having a problem with my game I think. So I'm in the 7th street right now where I just finished the event where you have to battle Cranberry in her home. After that, I went back to 7th street. Then, I went to the section area where I battled Maxie(since I picked Aqua Gang). Now, this is the current problem Im in right now. Right after the battle with Maxie, I think Im suppose to meet up with Bennett to continue with the story. However, I tried almost every method to trigger that event and now Im stuck. Can anyone please help me with this situation. Any help would be great:)))) Here is a link to my save file: Game.rxdata
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