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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Dragoknight

  1. Yeah I was thinking of doing 1 name per title but there's too many for me to choose so I'll do 5 Ember King: @Seal @LykosHand @Trooperk @CrystalStar @Storm Midsummer Queen: @cicada @Cad @FelicityWivani @Caimie @Starry Knight Sunlit Sovereign: @BlessedBudew @Kingoflife24 @Bearadactyl @Glowing Distortion @Q-Jei
  2. Greetings laddies and laddin'ts! We have entered a new era!

    Where were you when e19 dropped?

  3. descent? isn't this a train?
  4. Have you people heard of The Legend of Greg?
  5. Aight gotta start off. Say is there a rule for voting 1 person for all 3 First off I'm nominating @LykosHand for Ember King cuz as the heavenly buddha as my witness, if I spent every day writing birthday wishes I would most certainty devolve into some Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide abomination and commit unspeakable atrocities. I'll nominate the lovely prince @Candy for Midsummer Queen for her fantastic work on her Reborn fanfic, From Everland to Reborn (do check it out if you would like a good read). And for Sunlit Sovereign I'll nominate @Cad for keeping up the Rejuv13 hype train and for being Cadᵗᵐ. Now I must retreat back from whence I came.
  6. Baz is that you? I've finally found you! How you doin? Also are the flotation devices just azumarill? Can I substitute oxygen masks with air balloons? Does the plane allow emotional support espur?? Also cool lookin game you got there too.
  7. yeahhhhhh thats kinda cuz its stolen without permission Yeah not to downplay anyone's opinion but I kinda have a moral obligation to highly recommend against playing Fullmoon cuz, well aside from the blatant stolen sprites and tilesets from multiple other fangames (all without permission I'm assuming), the plot is.... well ignoring the subjective details it supports a few unhealthy tropes to say the least. Overall I would agree with the others above with trying out Pokemon Empire, it has many interesting gameplay mechanics and rebalancing of mon and moves to try out, complete with custom terrains, weathers, and field effects. Its still a work in progress (which I'm assuming you'd be used to with these games) but still a great game to play.
  8. wait this is a real thing? edit: lmao caz
  9. I have the pingas
    hi king

    1. Kingoflife24


      Hi Drago, good to see you!

  10. you can't stop the oarientation

    1. Dark Legend

      Dark Legend

      no no no you cannot stop it

  11. hello world of Reborn

    I am now back to haunt you

    and also play Deso v5 since I finally have some free time and love that game

    should probs start a brand new run cuz I can

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dragoknight



      rip Schnappi, 2018 - 2020


      well anyway after like 30 min of soft resetting I managed to get this girly


      goin for a duskanroc

    3. SilverAngelus


      OwO She's beauty!


      (I take it Schnappi was a Sandile)

    4. Dragoknight



      Schnappi das kleine krokodil (all I remember is that show's theme song lmao)

  12. Aye Sol!



    Happy birthday m80

    Hope you have a great one~

  13. pls with all the times I've been ousted as maf d1-2 by sheer chance luck doesn't exist Huh. So you're claiming the TP is a cupid then? Hmmm. Well then. (also thnx Ali :peepohug:) Tbh I was thinking of using you as the gold standard of town to find any remaining heretics. If we're to assume that there is only one TP then, that begs the question as to whether Candy is the cupid or if she is indeed one of the heretics. Since the cupid would be non-hostile, I'd hope for the latter. I suppose there is only thing to do now. The gods have made their decree, and I can only hope that my reads will expel the heretics. [Subjugate to the Truth] Astra
  14. so I guess I nixed the possibility of them having a strongman Our faith guides us further my friends. We must continue on. Nicki is of a different alliance than Alistair. Given the previous report, Astra is a heretic with Nicki. And then there is the Candy. I don't know if mafia refused my most gracious offer, but she is a heretic nonetheless. Choose your path.
  15. Hmmm. Why, this is a most interesting turn of events. The ways in which the gods work seem to be beyond us. @Smooth you were the first to suggest I had some ulterior guidance. You are indeed an astute observer. However, I can't say I believe your roleblock charade. But more importantly, I find it quite strange you felt the need to translate everything in japanese. You have something to hide. You will bask in the light of Truth! [Subjugate to the Truth] Smooth Well then, now that everyone has revealed their true intents, I see no point in holding out any longer. Allow me to elaborate. Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round. @Alistair @Amine @Astra125 @Candy @cicada @Cнєяяу @Chickens @Eviora @LykosHand @Nano4 @Newt @Smooth I come to thee as the acolyte of our newfound society here on this island, but there is more to it than that. You see, the gods have chosen me not only to spread Their word, but to deliver Their divine Justice. My role (aptly named Justice) allows me to choose 2 players each night. I will learn whether the 2 share an alignment. N1, I had chosen Candy and Alistair to test their resolves. I had learned they are of differing alignments. For reason of Candy's vote, I thought it would be interesting to see if there was anything to it. It seems there was. As I have a good townread on our fellow Alistair, I would like to make the claim. Candy is mafia or TP. N2, I had chosen Astra and Nicki for the very suspicions I make claim to earlier today. I had learned that they share an alignment. Yes, I had been pushing a Nicki lynch to see if mafia would be so quick to turn on her. We will find out where her and Astra's allegiance lies in due time. N3, I think I will try Alistair and Nicki to test another hypothesis of mine (depending on how Smooth flips ofc). However, I feel my time on this mortal coil of ours fading. There will be a time when I will be unable to guide you any longer. I do not fear this future, as I know that our faith will live on. The heretics will be rid of and we shall prosper! I will leave with this, awaiting what the future has in store. I would like to request a doctor this night. However, should I die this night, I would like you all to treat my hypothesis as correct, that Nicki, Astra, and Candy are mafia. Funny you should mention that. @Mafia. If Candy is not part of your faction, then she is TP. Be a doll and take care of her for us.
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