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Everything posted by FernStoleMyBike

  1. Banned for not having banned yourself yet
  2. Hi! Since the game feels difficult and you wanna use your favourite pokemon, I have a few recommendations to make. One is to use the debug mode to change your pokemons ivs/evs, give them moves, make them stronger. And the second recommendation is to edit your game's bps files and buff the base stats, abilities, moves of the pokemon you like and use. Problems, solutions
  3. I think you 'll have much fun on this run, the idea alone sounds entertaining. Good luck man. I'm going too because it's getting late. And I had fun talking with you, thanks for the company
  4. So it's a quest in Agate City. You go inside a house -like anyone cares- and there is a woman on the left (I think a ranger) and a guy on the right. Talk to her and the quest is up. A guy named "The swordsman" has a post talking on this and I'm copy pasting the rewards: Electrium-Z, Galladite, Froakie, TM03 Psyshock, Groundium-Z, Mawilite and Kangaskhanite and a Poipole. Honestly, I would cheat the game at that point. But Froakie is probably for 300 entries which may be possible considering this game is huge.
  5. Fossils yea, puzzles too! I wanted to mention breeding earlier, but I use mods and mess with pbs too much so I felt like it's not my place to talk about that. But I also wanted to mention that one quest that wants you to complete the pokedex, I'm a completionist unfortunately, does it feel ok not doing that quest?
  6. Yea so many possibilities. Gastly's event is after getting rock climb, super late. But when you are trading a Growlithe egg with the police officers, they give you a mystery egg and Gastly can be in that.
  7. First of all, I believe you are a genius for getting this idea. Getting pokemon from the casino seems fine to me, that's all I wanted to say. And Gengar is an event pokemon as you know so that's nice.
  8. Arcanine with Close Combat is good here, I highly recommend that. Magneton and Alola Golem are good too if you don't have an Eelektross. I don't wanna be repeating the suggestions above, they are all on point. There are a lot of fighting types you can choose from, like Medicham, also Malamar learns Super Power. What else, Swoobat can setup in this battle. And Ditto can become Cinccino, you could give it a King's Rock too. And lastly, if you care about relationship points don't burn or poison the field.
  9. Hi man, first of all I'll list a few pokemon that are strong and most of them should be available at the stage of your game, so that you know what some of your options are. Mienshao, Lycanroc, Toxicroak, Archeops, Lopunny, Darmanitan and Krookodile are all good offensively and I've used them all. Gliscor, Hawlucha, Mamoswine, Magnezone, Bisharp are all very good too. You can get a Lucario in Ametrine if that interests you. Ditto and Zoroark have worked miracles for me but I don't actually recommend them. I think Noivern and Mightyena are the ones you can easily replace and I'm suggesting Archeops and Mienshao in their place. Greninja and Arcanine are very good, you can teach Greninja Grass Knot if you can't give it Ice Beam, Mat Block is good too for double battles. And just for reference, at the stage of your game I could be using something like this: Greninja, definitely Archeops as the lead, Darmanitan or Arcanine, then a fighting type like Mienshao, a ground type probably Gliscor or Krookodile in Golurk's place. And your Vikavolt actually suits really good here. Before leaving I feel like I have to also suggest that you check out some mods for reborn, especially about the debug mode. If you are going to be swapping pokemon in and out of the team that mod can help save you time if you are busy in your life.
  10. Oh man in the beginning I thought Amaria was the victim of the relationship
  11. I've completed the game this month and I've read every single line of conversation to learn about these characters and the plot. But I had no idea she is that young and I've been treating her like an adult all this time. Thanks
  12. Abort mission, we 'll all start soontm with the new version
  13. I'll tell you why I don't like Shelly, because the other characters are cool. I believe the majority likes her though so don't generalize my negative opinion towards her. Personality wise, she has no confidence, she needs confirmation from people that she is useful, this alone seems just miserable to me, kinda petty, she is even a gym leader and she has no nerve. An orphanage where kids get electrocuted runs in her area without her knowledge. Aqua and Magma work under her nose. 7th street passage exists right next to her gym. Is she even half competent? She does have some good values too but I think they get so outshadowed by her flaws. And how she reacted to Corey's death annoys me man, her reaction is understandable yes, a guy died next to her. But Heather, who had previously lost her mother, now loses her father, so Shelly needs special attention to get over it, wtf. And Shelly even learns about Heather's situation and keeps on crying.
  14. I agree with everything except Tara but yk whatever, we can't convince each other. This line of yours however intrigued me. It never crossed my mind to choose based on who would be the most useful vs Meteor because I believe we don't need any of those. (Imo Ame had to die, because Lin is technically the champion now and getting that title from an enemy is far more satisfying than getting it from a friend.) And the reason I say we don't need any of those is because all the stars are aligned for us. Radomus said "It might be providence" after we came back from the void, Anna has wet dreams with how "glowy" we are, Adrienn asked us to become the champion. Ofcourse Ame and Eclipse would be the best assets, but some people think that we need Ame and I don't see why. I'm seriously trying not to write an essay here, we can talk privately if you like and have time
  15. Let's make it look like an accident then Edit: Adrienn being a one-dimensional good character is bretty boring. Let's burn the witch
  16. Good morning man, you had me checking for Black Mirror's trailer a few minutes ago. I simply overlooked asking for a reasoning that's all, people would state their opinions more if they were asked to. To reply to some extent, I voted Julia because she is like "boom boom no one booms my city except me" and feels a bit on the crazy side to me. If she had made a single successful joke, or shown any trace of humor I would spare her. Idk about Serra, she isn't really likeable, she always shows insecurity, regretfulness and in general "positive" vibes surround her. I didn't pick her, even if she feels boring and uninteresting she isn't really annoying to me. But what I really don't get is why Heather gets shot instead of Shelly
  17. It's a big list but I wanted to include everyone
  18. Didn't Tara die on a boat by a random attack of Saphira's Dragonite? If we bring her back she 'll be grateful for the rez, cut ties with Meteor and hide from them for the rest of her life because working for them got her killed. They wouldn't hunt her as she has nothing of value to them nor betrayed them. Also she wouldn't join us because our group killed her. She would be just as good as dead in the plot, what an irony. So I personally don't see a single reason to save her, other than a potential minor romance with Simon. Poll to kill someone? I trade Shelly for half a Kiki or less
  19. I don't see a choice at all actually. Saving Kiki would only be temporary and I personally dislike Corey to save him. Also I can't save Ame. With the champion dead the plot is more dramatic, the weight of saving reborn is more and now falls in the main character's hands. And between Tara and Eclipse, Simon's story of losing both women he loved was moving, but I don't think Tara has anything to offer in the story. Eclipse on the other hand died standing up to Meteor. She can easily play a role of importance if when she comes back to life. Could you make another poll on who we would kill? And also include Shelly it will be very fun
  20. I can wait years for this man. Quality over anything. Have fun whatever you do, motivation comes and goes.
  21. Melia has the same popularity as Texen. And I had to google his name to comment this sh*tpost. She is cringe man wtf
  22. I love this. When I lastly played this game I wanted to make positive decisions and the game had me wondering about the outcome of my choices in so many cases. There is a conflict going on in my mind about the freedom of my choices. If I can always know what my choices will bring this kinda undermines my freedom of choosing because I will "choose" based on what I want to get! But at the same time it enhances replayability of the game to get different outcomes! The other negative is that part of the mystery behind my choices is gone. But I will no longer wonder if freeing Giratina is what I want! These negatives, the nerf of freedom and mystery, aren't strong enough to convince me to not be in favour of this change. This may be a small change, but its so innovative. It will give the game a new sense of progression I havent seen before
  23. Thank you man However i dont have rpgmaker nor do i have a free trial for it. So im gonna look for other ways to compile the pbs file into the game. If anyone already knows another way to do that would be great. I 'll be searching Thanks again dkr
  24. Well I'm looking for a way to change pokemon moves(dmg/acc), stats, abilities for my game, make some pokemon more viable. I've seen that these things can change by changing the pbs file values, then putting it somewhere and "compiling", that's where im stuck. Can someone help me by giving me info on that, where to put the pbs file, what this compiling is, or if i need a certain program to make this work, links to tutorial videos any kind of help Huge thanks in advance
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