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Everything posted by elerq0

  1. As a player, who made 4 playthroughs on intense(item ban, battle style set), each with different mons, mostly because of challenge - that makes me sad. But i kinda saw it comming. We've came to the point, where we have too much available mons, moves, items etc. that optimalising a fun, challenging fight might become hell. I saw that during v13. Fights where we were playing as friends and using their team (vs Angie, Lorna, Cassandra) was cool - challenging, but fun. And fights where we were fighting as ourselves (for me at least) - totally oposite. Beating Garea took me 2 weeks and i won purely by rng. Never managed to beat Saki and i lost interest into a game. So i guess its a good choice.
  2. Here: Game.rxdata I had to beat Reina before i could save, so you're gonna miss that fight. If you still want to fight her, try revert to a backup.
  3. Froslass Crest: Halves first incoming damage. Upon receiving that damage sets Spikes and boost Speed by 1 stage. Ampharos Crest: Upon entry paralyse enemy and boost Special Attack by 1 stage. Heals user by 25% of the electric damage dealt. Paralysis effect can occur only once per battle. Dodrio Crest: User is unaffected by status effects and will evade first incoming damaging move. Gives him ability Reckless. (Moves that bypass accuracy checks can still hit him.) Wobbuffet Crest: At the end of the turn, if user didn't receive any damage this turn, heals user by 30% of his max HP and confuse enemy. If enemy was about to attack himself due to confusion, force him to use Struggle instead. (Any damage, that means toxic and burn counters him anyway.) Smeargle Crest: Incoming damage cannot exceed 40% of user max HP. Boost Speed by 15. Both Physical and Special Moves uses Speed to calculate damage. User cannot be healed in any way during battle. Slaking Crest: Has 50% chance to truant effect not to occur. During truant turn, if truant effect does not occur and user is using damaging move, damage dealt is reduced by 60%. If truant effect does occur, user is healed by 15% of his max HP. Abomasnow Crest: Hail lasts as long, as user is on the field and weather cannot be changed by the enemy. During hail, incoming damage is reduced by 30% and incoming Physical damage has a 30% chance to Freeze the enemy. If incoming Physical damage defeats the user, chance to Freeze increases to 100%. (If user gets defeated or withdraws, hail is removed) Musharna Crest: Upon entry make the user asleep and the enemy(enemies) drowsy. This effect can only occur once per battle. While asleep, user can still use Special moves and incoming damage is reduced by 30%. Damage dealt to sleeping targets is increased by 50%. Yawn also makes the user asleep. Rapidash Crest: Boost Speed by 1 stage upon defeating the enemy. If user is faster than the target, damaging moves have their power and accuracy increased depending of differences in speed. [(UserSpeed - TargetSpeed) / sqrt(TargetSpeed) + 15% looks good]
  4. I don't think there is still a way to change difficulty at this point in game without the use of debug mode. So here is normal difficulty: Game_5.rxdata
  5. Game_5.rxdata Just before V13 content. Probably every side quest so far done, 91 zygarde cells, intense difficulty. If insense is too hard for you, i can change it.
  6. I've moved you to the place before that policeman fight. It should be ok. Game_4.rxdata
  7. Here. Right before v11 gym or some hours later, sidequesting in neo garean. Intense difficulty, most of the sidequests done. Game_6.rxdata Game_7.rxdata
  8. i can always change it by myself. as i said before, nature can be whatever.
  9. Hi. I need 5 iv beldum. 31/31/31/XX/31/31 or 31/31/31/31/31/XX. Adamant / whatever nature. Willing to trade 6 iv surskit.
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