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About StardustMoth

  • Birthday 11/23/1999

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  • Location
    Citae Arc-D' Astrae
  • Interests
    Gaming, Music, Photography, & Science

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  2. StardustMoth


    Aaah, yeah, I recall that now. It's been awhile since I last touched my save file, so that had slipped my mind. Thank you though, for responding.
  3. StardustMoth


    Hm, that's quite a bit so the lengthy wait is understandable. Can't rush the game along, after all. Though if it's a question that can be answered, is there a possibility of seeing the byxbysion wasteland get the restoration treatment?
  4. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

  5. Happy birthday :) 

    1. LykosHand


      Happy Birthday :D, i hope that you will have a great day ^^

    2. StardustMoth


      Ayyy, thanks you two. I certainly did enjoy my birthday very much. ^^


    3. LykosHand


      Good to know ^^ and you're welcome ;) 

  6. I guess I'll wait for you in trading online. My ID is still Drasil96, if you don't remember.
  7. Hey everyone, been awhile since I last posted in here, but I was wondering if anyone had a spare Igglybuff from the in-game event. I was also wondering if anyone had a spare Larvesta. If you have either of those, or both, and don't mind trading one, thanks in advance!
  8. Well, my character's name is Yggdrasil. If by ID you mean the Trainer No. then that's 17159. If you meant something else, just let me know. And thanks again.
  9. I would certainly like that indeed. What name would I need to type in to request the trade?
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