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Cerulean last won the day on February 7

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About Cerulean

  • Birthday August 18

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    Blackview City
  • Interests
    Pokemon Rejuvenation
    D4DJ - RONDO is my favourite unit, Photon Maiden and Peaky P-key
    Playing Pokemon - Fan Made and on Console
    Persona 5

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    Username - Cerulean Samurott
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  1. Ampharos The Light Pokemon Prior Form: Flaffy Method of Evolution: Level up to 30 Level: 59 Type: Electric H/W: 4'7''/135.58lbs The bright light on its tail can be seen far away. It has been treasured since ancient times as a beacon. This Pokemon has been a great help against Flying, Water, Fire, and Ice-type opponents and I call this Pokemon 'The Light in the Darkness' Ability: Static Held Item: Magnet Moveset: Electro Ball, Confuse Ray, Power Gem, Thunder Punch Signature Move Electro Ball Type: Electric Power: ??? Category: Special PP:10 Accuracy: 100 The user hurls an electric orb at the target. The faster the user is than the target, the greater the damage.
  2. Pidgeot The Bird Pokemon Prior Form: Pidgeotto Method of Evolution: Level up to 36 Level: 59 Type: Flying/Normal H/W:7'03''/111.3lbs. Ability: Tangled Feet - Increases evasion the pokemon is confused Pidgeot is an incredible Pokemon and powerful against, Grass, Bug and Fighting type opponents. Moveset: Roost, Hyper Voice, Air Slash, Air Cutter Signature Move Air Slash Category: Special Power: 80 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100 The user attacks with blades of air that even cuts the sky.
  3. Nidoqueen The Drill Pokemon Prior Form: Nidorina Method of Evolution: Using the Moon Stone Type: Poison/Ground H/W:4'03''/132.3lbs Ability: Rivalry - Raises attack stat, if the opponent is of the same gender. It is adept at sending foes flying with harsh tackles using its tough, scaly body. This Pokemon is at its strongest when it's defending its young. Nidoqueen is the protector of the party and thanks to its body it is powerful on the battlefield Held Item: Black Belt Moveset: Earth Power, Sludge Bomb, Poison Jab, Superpower Signature Move Earth Power Type: Ground Category: Special Power: 90 PP:10 Accuracy: 100 The earth at the opponent's feet erupts violently. It can lower the opponent's Special Defense stat.
  4. Ceruledge The Fire Blades Pokemon Prior From: Charcadet Method of Evolution - Using Malicious Armor/From Pokemon Z and Unbreakable Ties Using a Dusk Stone Level: 59 Type: Fire/Ghost H/W:'5'3/136.69lbs The fiery blades on its arms burn fiercely with the lingering resentment of a sword wielder who fell before accomplishing their goal. Ceruledge has helped me a lot in Pokemon Z and while playing the game let's say that I have a personal grudge against the bad guys of the game Team Azoth and Lanto for what he did to Melia. Ability: Flash Fire Held Item: Quick Claw Moveset: Lava Plume, Shadow Claw, Psycho Cut, Bitter Blade Signature Move Bitter Blade Type: Fire Category: Physical Power: 90 PP:10 Accuracy: 100 In-game description: The user focuses its bitter feelings toward the world of the living into a slash attack. Up to half the damage taken by the target restores the user's HP.
  5. Tinkaton The Hammer Pokemon Prior Form: Tinkatuff Method of Evolution: Level up to 38 Level: 60 Type: Fairy/Steel H/W:2'4''/248.68lbs Ability: Mold Breaker This Pokemon has been a great help even against, Dragon, Fairy, Fighting and Flying-type Pokemon. Held Item: Silvana Fabric - A mystical cloth that strengthens Fairy-type attacks by 20%. Moveset: Gigaton Hammer, Ice Hammer, Play Rough, Dragon Hammer Signature Move Gigaton Hammer Type: Steel Category: Physical Power: 160 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100 The user swings its whole body around to attack with its huge hammer. However, this move can't be used twice in a row. I also want to say Happy 7th Anniversary of Rejuvenation Squad. I'm shocked at the number of members in the club. In 2018, I came up with the idea to create a club dedicated to Pokemon Rejuvenation. I called it Rejuvenation Squad, and on the same day, the club got approved. On January 14th, 2019, I created the first topic Pokémon Data Collection and after that, Rejuvenation Theories, and the club grew from 2 members to 81 Members. So shoutout to @Chrixaiand Everyone in the club: Arigatou gozaimasu!! I will also add another entry so watch out for that one.
  6. Rejuvenation Squad now has 80 members!!!!

  7. Hello, everyone! How is everyone doing? I apologise for being offline for 2 months and 13 days. I have been busy and I've been making new data collection entries in the meantime ( I have attached screenshots). It's a work in progress so as soon as I polish up the new entries I will post them in the club.


    So please bear with me. Thanks and I will see you guys again soon.

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  8. Haxorus The Axe Jaw Pokemon Prior Form: Fraxure Method of Evolution: Level up to 48 Level: 70 Type: Dragon H/W: 5'11/232.59lbs This Pokémon's combination of strength and ferocity makes it a formidable opponent in any battle. I met this Pokemon it was an Axew and since then this Pokemon has helped a lot in battle, especially against Tristan. Ability: Mold Breaker Held Item: Dragon Scale Moveset: Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor, Crunch, Focus Flast Signature Move Draco Meteor Type: Dragon Category: Special Power: 130 PP: 5 Accuracy: 90 Draco Meteor is a powerful and precise attack that can deal massive damage to opponents. When used effectively, this can turn the tide of battle in your favour. However, it's important to consider the special attack stat of the user, as using this move will sharply reduce the user's special attack after attacking. So make sure your Haxorus is holding a White Herb. This is a signature move of Dragon-type Pokemon and is known for its impressive destructive power. Apologies for the late entry, I have been occupied and getting some rest so I don't want to overwork my brain. Also, I have been playing other fan-made Pokemon games and they are incredible.
  9. This is the greatest game of all time. I highly recommend it. 

    Screenshot (7).png

  10. Who knows there could be a 'Big Bad' pulling the string on both sides. I'm just speculating at this point or the final boss could be Madame X, Karma or Vitus.
  11. The Rejuvenation Squad now has 70 members!!! Yata~!

  12. Walrein The Ice Break Pokémon Prior Form: Sealeo Method of Evolution: Level up to 44 Level: 70 Type: Ice/Water H/W: 1.40m/150.6kg Walrein is a formidable Pokémon with a strong combination of Ice and Water-type moves. Its impressive stats and abilities make it a valuable addition to any team. Ability: Thick Fat/Ice Body and Hidden Ability - Oblivious - Ice Body: During the weather condition of Hail. Ice Body heals 6.25% of HP during each turn the Pokémon with the ability doesn't take hail damage. Held Item: Never-Melt Ice - Boosts Ice-type moves by 20% I met this Pokémon at Keneph Beach when it was a Spheal. Walrein has helped me against Fire, Dragon, Ground, Grass and Flying-type Pokemon along with Sceptile it has helped me through countless battles. Moveset: Iron Tail, Ice Fang, Ice Beam, Hydro Cannon Signature Move Ice Fang Type: Ice Category: Physical Power: 65 PP: 15 Accuracy: 95 Ice Fang is a powerful Ice-type move with a physical category. It has a base power of 65 and the accuracy of 95. When this move is used, it has a 10% chance of causing the target to flinch or become frozen. This move is particularly effective against Dragon, Grass, Ground and Flying-type Pokemon. This concludes my data collection on Walrein. Thank you for your patience and see you in the next one.
  13. Hello everyone,


    I just wanted to let you know that I have added two new entries to the Pokémon data collection. The first entry was uploaded today, so please feel free to check it out. The second upload will be available at noon tomorrow. Thank you for your patience while I worked on this.

    I hope you are excited to look into the second entry. Next, I am going to add another entry about a Gen V Dragon-type Semi-Pseudo Legendary from the Unova Region. Here's a hint - it's on Drayden and Iris' team. Feel free to share your guesses in the comment section.


    This is Blue, signing off. 

  14. Sceptile The Forest Pokémon Prior Form: Grovyle Method of Evolution: Level up to 36 Level: 70 Type: Grass H/W: 1.70m/52.2kg Sceptile agilely flits through the jungle and uses the sharp-edged leaves on its arms to cut down its prey. Ability: Overgrow/ Unburden - Unburden: Speed stat is doubled when using or losing a held item. Held Item: Sceptilite I met Sceptile at the Redcliff Research Lab when it was Treecko and this Pokémon has helped me through battle after battle, especially against Ground, Rock and Water-type Pokémon and I'm proud to have this Pokémon on my team. Moveset: Dragon Pulse, Frenzy Plant, Leaf Blade, Leaf Storm Signature Move Leaf Blade Type: Grass Category: Physical Power: 90 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Leaf Blade is a powerful Grass-type move. It is a physical move with the base power of 90 and 100% accuracy (The move doesn't miss). When Sceptile uses this move, it swiftly slashes the target with its sharp leaves, dealing significant damage. Leaf Blade is known for its high critical-hit ratio, making it a formidable move in battles. With its combination of power and precision, Leaf Blade is a signature move of Sceptile, showcasing its agility and mastery of the natural world. This concludes my data collection on Sceptile. Thank you for your patience and see you in the next one.
  15. Yeah, you're not the only one. But Rhyperior is one of a kind. I figured I might as well use a different pokemon on my team. And boom along came this guy. He has helped me a lot in battle especially against Ice and Fairy types.
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