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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Cerulean

  1. 96! Woah the hype is building. Jan your a legend!
  2. What is up, Reborn? Aozora here with another theory and this theory will be based the mysterious duo Cosmia and Comet. To be honest I forgot about them however thanks to @FleetWood for reminding me of them. So let's get straight to it. Cosmia and Comet appeared in V9-The City Of Dreams regarding GDC (Grand Dream City) disguising as the my main character - Aero and Nancy at the Grand Dream Theatre. I think Cosmia is " Her Majesty" of Spacea and Timepa. The reason why is because I recently did some research the terms "Cosmos" and " Comet" Cosmos means "the universe seen as a well-ordered whole." and "Comet" are meteors that were discovered with " day, year and time." Cosmia is Space and Comet is Time. So I think Cosmia is leader of the two linking back to the meaning of Cosmos - the universe seen as a well-ordered whole - in my opinion means ensuring things are according to their plan. Cosmia mentioned "We can proceed to step 2" for some kind of master plan or goal. But there true intentions are shrouded in mystery. Also in the game they are related brother and sister however Comet doesn't want to be part of "it" anymore and he was about the tell MC Madame X's true identity but Cosmia but a stop to that what Comet is helping MC piece part of the puzzle together and Cosmia doesn't want to interfere further into the situation of what's going to happen in the "Future". So that it for today's theory if any more ideas about Cosmia or both of them state in the comment section below. Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more theories. See you.
  3. Thank you for sparking my memory I forgot about those two. Do you think that Cosmia and Comet are gonna reappear in V12 and they don't want to interfere for some reason. Cosmos means "the universe seen as a well-ordered whole. and comet are meteors that have discovered with " day, year and time." Cosmia is space and Comet is time think about it I have a feeling Cosmia might ordering Spacea and Tiempa to observe those linked to prophecy. In other words us, Melia, Erin the light and Ren, Cassandra and Madame X the dark.
  4. Within My Heart is an Invincible Flame!

  5. Well both Spaces and Tiempa have some kind of a hidden agenda and their leader is unknown under the term "Her Majesty" Do you have any idea who that might be?
  6. I wonder if Jan gonna add the gen 8 starters to the game
  7. They deserve some rest because of working so hard. V12 is gradually gaining progress
  8. So is Saki going to next after Ryland?
  9. Yep, it feels like ages now.
  10. What's up people, I'm back from my Busy Zone with another theory and this it is based Spacea and Tiempa also Crescent. Spacea and Tiempa along with Crescent first made their appearance when saving Melia from Team Xen executive Zetta after that incident they gave MC, Melia and Aelita Time splicer necklace (Correct me if I'm wrong). However, Spacea order a Heracross to take back the necklace from Aelita. They must have known about Cella breaking the truth to Aelita would cause her become a Dimension Rift due to Garufan Magic while being comatose in an underground grotto maybe they wanted to this to happen who knows there intention behind all this is unknown. what I found is very interesting is that they said " We do what Her Majesty tells us to do." I think their agents or moderators Her Majesty who's that? I do not know it might Arceus or Crescent some unknown person we haven't seen yet in game. I strongly think there might a confrontation with them later on in the game revealing their true intentions. Next up is Crescent Crescent is like an observer of MC and Melia. In her mansion she has paintings of the other Main Characters also she's been observing Ren and the others involved in the prophecy. I think in the previous version she spoke to Nancy about something well she knew that Nancy wasn't human " She wasn't supposed to feel emotion." Also MC meets her in an unknown realm while facing Fate's Passage she gave MC another chance to avoid Fate also her true intentions behind it all are shrouded in mystery. So what do you guys think about this? Any more ideas based on them. Please don't hesitate to share your opinions in comments section. That it for now this is Hibiki Aozora -Over and Out!
  11. There are alot to edited. I bet
  12. So there's going new side quest based on that ?
  13. Calling all members of the Rejuvenation Squad! the じゃん拳ぽん - battle revolution which starts at 2:40 PM. Add yourself to the list if you want to join.

  14. That looks incredible! Nice art work keep it up.
  15. I can sense her bloodlust and desire to destroy. It terrifying
  16. I guess Team Xen, Bladestar. Angie, Vitus are planning something big
  17. I don't know but I definitely want to fight her again. Melt her frozen heart.
  18. Okay. I bet Angie is gonna show up.
  19. So the next area available is Zone Zero then the Spring of Rejuvenation .
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