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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Cerulean

  1. The story so far in Rejuvenation is that, the MC has the power of interceptor we witnessed this the first at Valor Mountain when MC tried to save Nim then falling into the lava then Crescent showed up along with Dr.Jenner, Nim, Nancy so therefore at the moment of death MC comes back to life and another was when Melanie made Yveltal use Decimation on Melia but MC pushed her out of the way and xe took the hit then again xe came back to life and Madame X called those who have died then came back to life the 'interceptor' in my words is defined as being able into intercept death. also in V11 means intercepting "Fate's Passage" - meaning death. In Garufan context. But here's a totally new question. If the MC is an interceptor. Could there be more of them in the Aevium region? or Are they an ancient race of people who were around the time of the great Calamity Storm 9?
  2. What if they're incarnations of Nymiera. Nim and Nymiera (Nym) there must be connected maybe related. Alexandra maybe connected to Nymiera and Nim not by blood but reincarnated.
  3. Nice, what about the main character he/she/xe is half human right? and both xe ( the gender that chose for the game) and Melia is one the light ones Madame X and Ren is the dark ones so basically Ren was destined to join team Xen. I know that Ren isn't involved in this topic but ya know.
  4. Konnichwa minna-san, My club the Rejuvenation Squad has been approved. So don't hesitate to check it out.


    Also it's an open club

  5. I gotta level up my pokemon party.
  6. yeah definitely your cool with that, so no worries. fam
  7. When I got version 9 you have be a specific place in order to start the new version for example the other side of Gearen City stop at the train that takes you to GDC and the version will start.
  8. I wanna beat that ice queen for the things she did.
  9. Nice pokemon party! Maqqy-chan :)
  10. Yeah I can hear it resonating like a giant colossal bell . Yeah that's a simile I use that alot in English Language
  11. No doubt about that. I can play other games while I wait.
  12. There's only one space for member and one space for vice president. for the rejuvenation squad


    Many Thanks

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