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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Cerulean

  1. Naruto reference .Nice! Go Beyond! Plus Ultra! Boku no hero academia
  2. Yeah. Totally My Samurott getting a lot stronger because we did some training. With my other pokemon I'm gonna level them up as well.
  3. The theory based on the characters. The name for the group that we share theories about Rejuvenation.
  4. So what have we (the squad) got so far? Can I call this group the Rejuvenation Sqaud or the R Squad?
  5. So you like the poem? The bird of destruction is Yveltal The being of alpha meaning beginning in the Greek alphabet is Arceus The worriars of the light fighting against the worriars of the dark.
  6. When there's darkness, there's light and when there's despair, there is hope.

  7. But I still really love this game Jan-san keep up the good work. Gambatte, Sensei Poem made by me One will plunge Aevium into disarray One will bring Aevium into a brighter day Those who shine with the light brings order Those who obliterate with the dark brings chaos The Being of α – Beginning one that creates The Bird of Destruction one that destroys Time draws near You lose those you hold dear The time has come To prepare for what’s to come Waiting for the final battle to decide Who will win? The shining light? Or the obliterating darkness?
  8. Yeah, I'm praying to 'Lord Arceus' to get to use a mega ring. Actually I'm hoping.
  9. Finally, my computer's back up and running.
  10. I was playing pokemon sunset and laptop froze so I have to get it fixed before V11 gets released. Aww man
  11. Oh yeah almost the hype is building.
  12. Here you go click this it'll take you to the beta application https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScSqL-sccWOZtPr-OgNOhAP46p4bcH6MB_c43mxsIiyjrxfdQ/viewform
  13. In where love lies Leavanny's infestation was really effective again Deagan's Rift Weavile.
  14. Here's you can share pokemon moves , certain moves effective against your opponent For example in love lies Leavanny is really effective against Deagan's Rift Weavile .
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