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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Cerulean

  1. I got Toxicroak fot poison and a Simisear to burn his team and Samurott to cool him down. Poison is flammable . You guys get it yeah that ability is a pain in the neck but my Samurrot has the move slash and burn it's a grass type move trust me it's really powerful.
  2. Yeah same do you think we'll be be able to get in to Axia High? Funny profile make me laugh
  3. Danm son, I wanna battle Ren too and bring him back from the clutches of Team Xen
  4. So for the Renunion version we're gonna face Ren again, it's a long time. I wanted him back on the good side.
  5. Yeah, let's go I hyping already. All abroad the hype rejuvenation train.
  6. sorry the next version after V11
  7. Nice, that could be she would like a Joten Jotenhiem (Ice giant) from Thor. Have you watched it that would be a cool reference don't you think?
  8. BTW do think Angie's legendary pokemon is a dimensional rift Regice.
  9. I guess we're gonna face the crazy religious queen. I really wanted a rematch to settle the score with her one and for all
  10. Almost there I can feel the tension . Oh yeah
  11. 91% wow almost complete but I can't wait I got resits so I'm gonna offline until next monday which is the last resit.
  12. Wow Mind blown! Pokémon Sohwon I like the sound of that, Cyber Here's my current team for Rejuvenation the other two pokemon I'll those two later:
  13. Guys think about the title for V11 Conflicting Reunion That person in the art picture might be someone who's after the main player for revenge
  14. Hell yeah I wish this became an anime. I would watch all episodes
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