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Everything posted by Cerulean

  1. Hey guys, Aozora here. And I'm here with another theory relating to Melia and Erin's Mother. From V12 at GDC library. I found out that Erin and Melia are sisters and when they hugged a yellow light appeared and a voice appeared saying "My lovely children, how i adore you. No matter what, remember this feeling. Through your sadness, my warmth will bring you hope. Remember me , Remember me. Don't forget" And Melia and Erin both said " It's was out Mother!" in an orange coloured font. So who is there mother? A being or an observer like Crescent?
  2. So Freya and Kieran what's the connection between the two? You think their agent of Spacea and Tiempa. Think about it they both work for Madame X.
  3. Yeah alot of questions also Amanda thinks everything started since MC came to Aevium but it's not xe's first and also spoiler-both MC and Nancy used to live in GDC.
  4. Hey Reborn, what's up. I have a theory based on The Mysterious Individuals in White Suits and Red Glasses. After watching Rejuvenation version 12 I meet one of them in Where Love Lies the female killed Taelia and made their lives a living hell and also they both appeared at Route 7 and Crescent appeared and the male called her "Dahlia" meaning In the Victorian language of flowers, Dahlia denotes elegance and dignity and as a name and Dahlia is often referred to as the “valley flower” . could be Crescent's real name and Crescent said to him " That enough , Kieran. and he froze the guy's with the hoverboard is named Kieran. And the name means boy's name of Irish origin meaning "little dark one". But what is the connection between them and since they both work for madame X and Crescent's been watching them or maybe they fought before and Crescent defeated them and they killed them. So if Crescent was killed by them what would happen if the main character dies again and Crescent doesn't show up? I'll leave that question up to guys. Well that's it for today's theory so stay tuned. Aozora, over and out! NOTE- In the game the words in orange-yellow are hints for the characters including my main character Aero.
  5. So Gigantimax is going to be involved in the game including Dnynamax?
  6. What Pokemon type do you like?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wolfox


      Fairies. Pix pix

    3. CodeCass


      Electric, Poison, Bug, and Flying are my favorites. 

    4. Q-Jei


      My heart goes for Fire and Dark 🙂

  7. Dragon types Dragonite Mega Garchomp Flygon Hydreigon Haxorus Tyrantrum
  8. Yeah they should give it Galarian form. I saw a gigantimax Lucario. If they add gigantimax Ash-Greninja that would be awesome.
  9. Those are good questions but I'm sure we'll be getting awnsers in V13. By the way those two people a female in where love lies and one we saw in V11 they were wearing the same white uniform what if they are members of the Storm Chasers.
  10. While watching Pokemon rejuvenation part 42 MC has a flashback of his past life xe being Adrest as a boy meaning MC is the reincarnation of Adrest and is talking a woman named Variya talking about taking the jewel of life meaning in draining the waters from the spring of rejuvenation and Adrest calls Variya "mother" so does this mean that Variya is the biological mother of the MC. Referring back to the ghost seen in v11 the ghost is actually Adrest I'm certain. That's it and I know there's a lot more to it and I will touch on that. So if there anything I have missed or anything else that can be included let me know in the comments down below Aozora Hibiki over and out.
  11. Oh yeah I forgot about that my bad
  12. So Crescent is good motherly side to her but Cosmia is evil so could she be real antagonist?
  13. Tyranitar is a rock and dark type so use the inverse types that are super effective against it Rock inverse - Flying, Bug, Fire and Ice and Dark - Psychic
  14. Which mode did you select at the start of the game. Tyranitar use the pokemon with the types that are super effective against Tyranitar. And you'll be fine also don't forget the items certain items can help you for example an item that can power a type move maybe a gem.
  15. We didn't get the vaccines because of Cosmos and Comet and Cosmos wrote the letter to Talon to meet at the park and then he got petrified.
  16. Yes also I think there's a connection between the MC and Nymeria
  17. I really want to see Nim again
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