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What it says on the title. So I'll start: Sunflora Crest - All of its stats scale up with Special Attack, applies Drought to it. Steelix Crest - Sharply raises its Attack when it's sent out, applies Thick Fat to it. Delibird Crest - Increases its base Attack, Special Attack and Speed by 1.5x, increases by 1.5x the BP of all of its moves that are 80 BP or lower. Tyrantrum Crest - Special Defense scales up with Speed, Speed is increased by 1.2x, applies No Guard to it. Dunsparce Crest - Special Attack and Special Defense scale up with Attack, applies Simple to it. Becomes immune to Fighting-type attacks. Zebstrika Crest - Raises Special Attack by 1.25x, applies Contrary to it. Heatmor Crest - Applies both Steam Engine and Contrary to it.
Discussion:8th gen pokemons viability in future updates.
iDunno replied to SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH!'s topic in Rejuvenation
In case Dynamax/Gigantamax is implemented: -
Pokemon Sword + Shield Leaks & Datamines Thread
iDunno replied to lilyawaka's topic in Pokémon Fan Club
There is a thread in the Smogon forums showing off all the data dumps from Sword and Shield. Some notable changes in Movesets from already existing Pokemon include: In terms of changes in stats and already existing moves, there isn't that much: -
Savefile Troubleshooting V12
iDunno replied to Zumi's topic in Official Rejuvenation Club's Troubleshooting
I've locked myself out of progress at the start of Chapter 14. After the dialogue with Ren, Rhodea, Huey and Rheina outside of the Grand Dream Stadium, instead of following them, I decided to Fly away and do some sidequests. Now I can't go back to the area of the Stadium to continue the main story, because every time I enter the Train in Route 9, it doesn't have the option to take me back there. Could someone put me back on the area outside of the Grand Dream City Stadium? Game_2.rxdata -
Sooo... I've recently started Chapter 14, and I think I've locked myself out of story progress. After the dialogue with Ren, Rhodea, Huey and Rheina outside of the Stadium, instead of immediately entering the ship (or whatever it is) with them, I decided to Fly away and do some sidequests. Now I can't seem to go back to the area of the Stadium to continue the main story. Every time I enter the Train in Route 9, it doesn't have the option to take me back to the Stadium, only Grand Dream Station (which is inaccessible at the moment), and Route 9, which is... exactly where I am. Is this a bug? Is there any other way for me to go back there, or am I stuck?
Pokemon Sword + Shield Leaks & Datamines Thread
iDunno replied to lilyawaka's topic in Pokémon Fan Club
Kind of bizarre that, even with all the leaks, we still don't know basically anything about Dynamax/Gigantamax. All we really know is that it increases HP, it lasts three turns, the Pokemon's moves change to Max Moves and it can only happen in specific places (like the Stadiums). Can the 'maxed Pokemon hold items? Does it affect stats other than HP? Are there any Gigantamax Pokemon with different abilites or typings? Do Max Moves work like Z-Moves (as in, do they have a different base power depending on the move they were previously)? Can you switch out a 'maxed Pokemon during battle? What are the other Max Moves? Are there other Gigantamax forms other than the ones already leaked? -
Hi, I have started playing Rejuvenation recently, and I'm 7 badges in. I haven't gotten any of the Crests yet, so I don't know exactly how do they work: do they override the Pokemon's existing ability while they are being held, or do they stack up (e.g., Feraligatr gets Strong Jaw + Sheer Force, or Zangoose gets Poison Heal + Toxic Boost)?
Here's an idea for the Excadrill: buy a Magical Seed (Flower Shop in Lapis Ward) and a X-Speed (Department Store). Have one of your physical attackers hold the Magical Seed, and send it out at the same time Titania sends out her Excadrill. Titania's Excadrill is also holding a Magical Seed, and what it does in her field is boost the user's Attack and protect it from all damage during the turn it is sent out. That means that neither of you will be able to attack the other on this turn. She will set up a Swords Dance, and you can use this turn to use the X-Speed on your Pokemon, so it will outspeed her Excadrill the next turn and OHKO it with a super effective physical attack. Good luck!
I could see someone doing a Mod for that, but as for the actual game having these partner Pokemon, I would be really surprised if it did. While their stats aren't inflated enough for them to be overpowered on their own, some of their exclusive moves are really broken. Pikachu has Zippy Zap, a priority physical Electric move that always lands a Crit, and Eevee's moves give broken a new meaning: Baddy Bad and Glitzy Glow are both 90 base Special Dark and Psychic attacks that also set up Reflect and Light Screen, respectively. Also, in Reborn you could give them something you can't in Pokemon Let's Go: held items. That means you could have a Partner Eevee hold an Eviolite to make its Defense and Special Defense go up to 105 and 127.5, respectively. Even scarier, if you give your Partner Pikachu a Light Ball, it becomes an unholy monster with 160 Attack, 150 Special Attack, to go along its natural 120 base Speed. That's Ash-Greninja-like stats. If that's not scary enough, Pikachu (specifically, Partner Pikachu) has access to four moves that give it the best possible type coverage (Electric, Flying, Ground and Fighting), meaning Zippy Zap, Floaty Fall, Dig and Brick Break. It's still really frail and can be OHKO by any decent STAB move, but still.
I would be down for it, depending on the day/time.
Hi, I had this idea while training some pokemon for the rotation boxes, and decided to throw it here in hopes that someone who knows how to mod this game would pick it up. After we finish the story content for E18, there's not a lot of repeatable trainers we can face, only the trainers at Grand Hall and the Indra clown from Agate Circus, and even then, they face us on a neutral field. Episode 19 is probably have some sort of rematch system post-game where we can face Gym Leaders and other recurring characters, but as of now, if we want to face a Gym Leader again (or just relive any other story battle like E18's Gauntlet), we have to manually search through our save files. So, I thought it would be cool if there was a Mod where we could rematch at least the Gym Leaders in their respective fields, and have their teams be at the current level cap (lvl. 90-95, or lvl 100 for Pokemon that we faced that were over the lvl cap, like Charlotte's Ninetails, Samson's Conkeldurr and Hardy's Dusk-Lycanroc) and with full EV spreads, in case they didn't have it (like the earliest gym leaders). Maybe you could have a new NPC in Grand Hall that could trigger those rematches by dialogue; or have a new room in Grand Hall (like the basement in Sandbox Mode) where the characters would just be standing, and they would battle you if you talk to them; or just have them be in their respective gyms again. Thanks in advance!
That's actually a really cool idea! We know that there's probably gonna be a place post-game where we'll be able to rematch Gym Leaders and other recurring characters (presumably Arclight's Nightclub), so if the dev. team decides to implement a Champion challenge system like in S/M/US/UM, being able to choose your own Field Effect would be a cool way to set it apart from the normal rematches: on the Nightclub we would have to face other characters on a Field of their choosing, but on the champion room, the challenger would have to face us on our terms (in that scenario, it would make sense for us to be the overpowered ones). Also, if they do decide to implement a challenger system, it would be cool to have the option to skip rematching the E4 and just go direct to the champion room. In S/M/US/UM, it was quite tedious having to rematch every single one of the Four just to face a random challenger at the end (and it doesn't even make sense in-universe for you, the champion, to have to go through all of that again).
You can buy Rocky Helmet on the eleventh floor of the Department Store. I don't remember if the 10th sticker is available before Titania, but I think it is. Absol has a chance (5 or 10%, I think) of holding a Life Orb, but that might have been changed after US/UM. I think there's a sidequest after Hardy that gives you a Life Orb (again, faulty memory). And, while Swords Dance isn't available, you can do with Garchomp the same thing with Metagross: stock on X Attack to sharply boost its attack stat (as of Gen VII, X items have become really broken), or just Baton Pass some boosts using Blaziken. As for Garchompite, not yet. Garchompite is one of the rewards for a sidequest on the underground floor of the Grand Hall, which you can only have access after you have donated to all three renovation projects, so the earliest you can get it is after Amaria. Remember to fund a project right after beating a gym leader, you are only allowed to fund one project at a time, and you can only do that after beating a gym leader, so if you haven't done that yet, fund a project after beating Adrienn, then fund another after beating Titania, and fund the third one after beating Amaria.
If I were you, I would teach Milotic Icy Wind, since it has that vacant 4th move slot. It's the best special Ice attack available for Pokemon that can't learn Ice Beam, Freeze-Dry or Blizzard naturally, and the speed drop can come in handy in some boss battles (you can teach it through a move tutor in Agate Circus, in case you don't know). It's also gonna be an useful move if we do fight Heather in a Mountain Field, since it gets a 1.5x boost. Other than that, you could replace Metagross's Agility with another attacking move like Bulldoze, Stomping Tantrum, Rock Slide or Ice Punch. If you want to sharply boost its speed during battle, you can just stock up on X Speed. It works the same way as Agility, and you get a free slot for more coverage. Usually Dragon Claw, Rock Slide/Stone Edge (probably Stone Edge for now, since you haven't beaten Titania, and the TM for Rock Slide is only given by Hardy), Bulldoze/Dig/Stomping Tantrum, and whatever you want the 4th slot to cover (Poison Jab, Iron Head, or Fire Fang). It's all down to personal taste/needs, really. But since you plan to replace your poison-type, it would be best to give it Poison Jab. As for natures and held items, I would recommend giving it a Jolly Nature and a Life Orb (or a Rocky Helmet to go with Rough Skin, or Garchompite, which you can get as soon as you beat Amaria if you do the starter egg sidequest in the Grand Hall). Togekiss is great, but it's kind of tricky in terms of what to teach it. There's the obligatory Air Slash and Dazzling Gleam, but you might have to plan ahead for the other two slots. You can breed Nasty Plot and/or Extrasensory, or have it learn Ancient Power while it's still a Togepi/Togetic. Most people tend to teach theirs Air Slash, Dazzling Gleam, Aura Sphere, and Nasty Plot/Roost. I myself have a Togekiss on my rotation box with Air Slash, Dazzling Gleam, Ancient Power and Baton Pass. Again, it all comes down to personal taste/needs. You could also teach it Shadow Ball, since you don't have any Ghost attacks on your team.
Yup. The Grand Hall trainers and the Indra clown from Agate Circus are still the best places for level grinding. The best Grand Hall trainers for grinding are two NPCs that only appear on Saturdays, named "Casanova Zach & Lady Beau". They fight you in a double battle, and one of their leads is a lvl 85 Blissey. Just teach Protect to the Pokemon you want to lvl up, give a Lucky Egg for it to hold, and pair it up with some high leveled physical attacker that can learn Explosion, and sit back and watch as it gains a ton of exp. That's how I raised practically every Pokemon from my rotation boxes. Other than that, you can find some high level Chanseys in Route 4 (just go up the waterfalls in Agate City).