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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Oni

  1. Poll #8 Is Now Up http://www.strawpoll.me/14623829
  2. I am genuinely wondering why these kind of polls are a thing... However toast should not be cut. It should be spread with butter (if this doesn't please you then by all means engage with me in fisticuffs)
  3. Poll #2 http://www.strawpoll.me/14553570
  4. I will adore this idea and only wish to see it if Melia dies afterwards and I mean actually dies. Like... getting her head chomped off by a Hydreigon dies. Can't fake that shit
  5. I've been reading alot of these posts today and I'm gonna finally start seeing if maybe I can contribute to some ideas. Idk I think a name like Team Dominion, or Team Ascension would go great but that's just me :3 And about this I'm not to sure about that, Idk it's like the name to have "Team" has just always been a thing in Pokemon and it just wouldn't feel right to me to just not have it. But that's just me.
  6. My god that's an absolutely wonderful and interesting idea please make it a thing.
  7. apologies for leaving, i was in a rush, thank u so much for the trade i appreciate it a bunch >< :3
  8. hurray :3. UM Tobi1337 you request the trade crappy i know but Tobi was taken
  9. ~G A S P~ we cant be friends? ;-; okay so um my mons are ready but we gotta do it really soon or later cus i gtg im sorry ><
  10. okay >< sorry for disturbing u at work oh wise one, your generosity is unmatched :3
  11. ahh okie im sorry for taking forever >< is there anything u might want oh generous one? :3
  12. Might i be able to get an Eelektross and a carracosta oh mighty one? :3
  13. Hoh. Very nice team, random stranger i have never met before
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