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12 Fledgling

About Feskik

  • Birthday 09/02/2000

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    small blob called lebanon
  • Interests
    Cookies, my dog tsezar and wasting time in front of the computer

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  1. they went so far, wondering if they could, not thinking if they should
  2. small graphic thing in west gearen the usual wall walking yknow
  3. Pokemon Rejuvenation Version 10: Last updated 10:47 am EST (4/9/18) being updated yesterday means that the patch is included, dont know about the pbs tho (you dont need pbs to play the game dont worry)
  4. WLL, or Where love lies, is a side game that talk about the story of certain characters before the events of rejuvenation. Its recommended to be played after finishing v10, so you dont get any future spoilers and to understand the story more.
  5. ayt so ..right after battling keta (first fight), this specific spot is impassabe ..the kecleon merchant stops getting the option to trade after the ditto event, even got the ditto later on and hes still like this ..after mosely breaks us free from goldenwoods jail, continuing though this area makes the exclamation bubble sound (like when a trainer sees you to battle). ..small graphical thing in narcy's house ..when ren raises the gate infront of goldenwood, if you were one standing one step up (from what is shown in the picture) ren will be talking and standing on the tree, doesnt lag or make an error tho EDIT: also this, shiny mega banette OP ..while looking at the team, yknow how all pokemon are moving? well female meowstic doesnt move, like if its fainted
  6. this isnt a bug, ana appears outside of the same hospital after defeating v10s flying gym
  7. ..ayt so, route 2. near the aipom tree there are 4 headbuttable trees, which 3 of them do that graphic change when selected the only one that doesnt is the one at the top left ..on top of having to recharge when no shadow mons are in the party, the purifier doesnt seem to detect shadow meowth in the party (tried on another shadow mon too in different party places) ..the healing machine in the rift forest (joltik) is yellow, but heals only once.(is deactivated like the red one) ..and uh, no narcissa/drifblim there (remade a new playthrough where she reappeared). tried during the night etc but still no one, even before/after the melia thing.
  8. ay mate, send your file and details to second, the game got a new patch that fixes the problem, so get it and apply it to your game, it fixes a big chunk of bugs and errors. its in the v10 download page
  9. in the game, you go in pokegear, online play. make an account and then log in. go to trade, then wonder trade. give a mon and get one back
  10. line break during a.n.a's sidequest also that grunt doesnt look up while everyone else does
  11. just throwing this here speaking of the lucario/tesla and the "my i can guarantee" "you safety" thing also @Pozyher sorry for the tag but how did you find out how to get the item?
  12. ayt so ..lady in art gallery has a line break ..she also has an option to give a radnom shard, but either just repeats her text, give a red shard or two shards of other colour. checking in rpgm the third option should apparently be ==2 ..might want to add a small text in the ending credits that says "the badge can make you fly, but not in this version, cz rip drampa fly ..while finishing v10, during melias small cutscene, a popup of "route 9" appears, after the throwback to madame x talking. ..sometimes while going through a station, the character will look south while going down the stairs, instead of the direction theyre going in. picture here is from the axis uni, although its seen in some other places too, like central square
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