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Lillietea last won the day on September 12 2023

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About Lillietea

  • Birthday 08/09/2004

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    Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo Oblast, Russia

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  1. As far as I remember, Desolation uses Gen 8 learnsets, so Sharpedo should learn Liquidation on level 46
  2. Oh? I smell a puzzle :] Looks like a nod to the Beryl Library/Inner Sanctum puzzle from Reborn where you had to interact with differently colored books in the order that you find in a different location
  3. Oooff, I've been here since 2017.... And tbh, I was kiiiindaa too young for this game at the time. Buuuuuttt,,, all the mature stuff just flew over my head, thanks to my 13-year-old self's innocence and to the fact that I didn't know English well at the time and basically learned as I went along. (Also yeah! Reborn is the main reason why I even know English as well as I do! And now I'm a linguistics major at uni, and I'm gonna be a translator/editor!! Crazy, right?) Also whoops. Cal/Victoria flew outta the window. No spoilers tho. And Taka and Luna are more like friends; if anything, Taka has more chemistry with Ace and MC. Luna seems more aro/ace or demi. Cain isn't ready for romance, despite his flirty personality, and Charlotte doesn't really give a damn about this whole dating stuff.
  4. Hi! I was wondering, are you going to update this tool, now that Reborn is complete? Maybe after 19.5.0 is out? No pressure tho! I'm sure I could manage without it/using the old version, but it would be very convenient if you do. Good luck, regardless of what you decide!
  5. You can only do that if you have the SWM modpack, I think.
  6. It's an easter egg for interacting with a normally unreachable Pokemon NPC, if I remember correctly PS: I recommend saving before trying it
  7. You need a Mining Kit and Blast Powder to clear the mining rocks (the glowy "too sturdy to break or move" ones) to reach some places and get some stuff. The area across the ledge is inaccessible (and not properly coded in, i.e. even if you get there somehow, it's useless, as there's nothing of interest here). It would probably get added in future versions.
  8. Do the Missing Children quest (can be picked up in the Help Center of the Central Building once it's open after a certain point in the story), it gives you access to the needed location.
  9. Scorbunny is given to you when you complete Maman's quest; Snivy can be caught in the wild in Pyramid Grounds.
  10. The best starter is Torchic, because it's the only starter that, as of now, can't be caught elsewhere later. And it's busted, too. Edit: nevermind, just saw that you don't want to pick Torchic. Then I recommend Scorbunny.
  11. Clear all the controller input bindings and use Joytokey instead. That's what worked for me.
  12. You would have to either breed for it (compatible parents that learn Yawn can be found here) Or, if I remember correctly, one of the main modpacks for Reborn (either SWM or AddOpt, forgot which one) has a mod that lets you teach a mon its egg moves with move relearner
  13. Something I've personally really liked doing with a similar team (the Meowstic-M + Speed Boost Blaziken combo) is putting up screens if the situation allows it and using Yawn, switching into Blaziken and setting up with Swords Dance while Speed Boost is also upping speed. So consider swapping Misty Terrain with Yawn?
  14. I don't think that there are any Terastallization mods for Reborn/Rejuvenation/Desolation But there might be some for Essentials, so check Relic Castle, maybe?
  15. If I remember correctly, Desolation doesn't use PBS files, it handles stuff differently. I think most of the relevant files are in the Scripts folder and the Deso (or Desolation) folder that's inside the scripts folder. So instead of editing PBS files and then compiling, you just change the relevant scripts straight away and don't need to compile. I might be wrong, but that's what worked for me and how I understood it.
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