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About C0RDS

  • Birthday March 1

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    Somewhere over the Rainbow

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  1. I thought it was meant to be shiny, as the first two times I played through the game it was shiny. Thought it was just an event for a free shiny Nuzleaf.
  2. Lost to guard at Blacksteeple cause I was a dummy and forgot to heal my team in the house. Now I'm locked in the cell with no way out. Game.rxdata
  3. Rowlett learns Steam Eruption instead of Spirit Shackle
  4. Alright, Thanks for the info. Sucks to see I can't use His signature move.
  5. So I chose Rowlet as my starter and when he finally evolved into Decidueye, I expected to get his signature move, Spirit Shackle, But instead I got steam eruption. Is this a bug or was this intended?
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