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6 Fledgling


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    in a swamp somewhere in Albania

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  1. If you haven't gotten one already, i can trade you an adamant Rufflet.
  2. This month's menu: Alolan Vulpix (3) Alolan Geodude (2+1 shiny) Bounsweet (6) Minior (2+1 shiny) Ferroseed (3) Wingull (2+1 shiny) Fomantis (1+2 shinies) Torkoal (2+1 shiny) Salandit (6) Totodile (2+1 shiny) Pikipek (1+2 shinies) Popplio (3) Dewpider (1+2 shinies) Carvanha (8+1 shiny) Gible (33 +3 shinies) Pidgey (12)
  3. I can get a Phione for you but i'm a bit busy right now. Maybe we can trade tomorrow, if you don't mind waiting.
  4. @HUEnd I'll PM you once all of your pokemon are ready.
  5. @Ainz Ooal Gown I'll take care of your request.
  6. @DerpyDragon I can give you a Marill... and I guess I can breed for a Zigzagoon tomorrow because I'm feeling lazy tonight. So, yeah. Send me a request. My ID is Darvin. Also, sorry for the double posting, everyone.
  7. @Candy OK. Send me a request in about three minutes. My online ID is Darvin.
  8. @QualityGamingYT No, you can't ask here. What do you think this is, a trading thread?! Sure, you can have a Lapras. Send me a request in about 2 minutes. My online ID is Darvin.
  9. @Candy I can give you one... if you're willing to wait a few hours.
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