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Everything posted by Darvin

  1. @HahnSolo Let me see what i can do about the Jigglypuff. Edit: I only have one Jigglypuff left. You'll have to wait a few minutes, so i can breed one for you.
  2. You don't need to have the exact same pokemon from 7th street. Any Loudred, Jigglypuff and Vanillite would do the job.
  3. @Pozyher I don't want anything in return. My online ID is Darvin. I'll be waiting for your request.
  4. I can trade you one. It's nature is jolly and it has 5 IVs.
  5. @HelloMegan Ok, however we have to trade tomorrow, if you don't mind. ^__^
  6. @Hooligan That's a really nice Beldum. I'll take it but unfortunately we have to trade tomorrow because it's late and i'm getting ready to sleep.
  7. @Hooligan Sure, I have a really nice shiny for you. I have a lot of spare time, so feel free to ask me for shinies whenever you want. Also, i'm glad you like the Staryu. ^^
  8. I got a male Combee (>_>) ... and an awesome Bunnelby. Thanks!
  9. @Iron Avenger Thank you!!! It's an amazing Ditto.
  10. Since i forgot to close this thread and now it got transferred here, I might as well use it. I will be wondertrading (Or is it wonder trading?) a certain amount of pokemon once in a while. I only trade breedjects quality pokemon (At least 5 IVs, egg moves and some might even be shiny). For example, a few days ago I wondertraded 100 Rowlets (I think I might have an addiction) in the same format. I'll update this thread everytime i'm about to trade so you can go online and get one of my pokemon if you're interested. If you're thinking why make people jup through hoops for a pokemon, then you should know that this is MY thread, I wondertrade whatever I want, whenever I want... unless bribery is involved.
  11. @BushyTheBushSpirit You're welcome!
  12. @BushyTheBushSpirit Ready when you are.
  13. @BushyTheBushSpirit Give me your finest Bidoof and I'll give you a Deino.
  14. @Saish i can trade you one. Edit: Your Politoed is ready: 6 IVs, with drizzle. Do you require any specific nature?
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