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Everything posted by Darvin

  1. @Brakk Thank you! It's a beautiful flower, isn't it?
  2. Make it past the first two minutes. Trust me.
  3. @gkhmpg Sorry, the Deino is not ready yet. I'll let you know when it's ready.
  4. @gkhmpg When you have three dark materials, you can go to the 7th Street, inside Beryl Wall is an altar. When you interact with the altar a Deino will appear. Also, no, I don't need any particular pokemon. Just trade whatever pokemon you can get.
  5. @Yagami Ok, if you change your mind about the Deino let me know. If it says OT: Darvin then yeah, I probably traded that.
  6. Luck be a lady tonight! It's a female Deino. @Yagami You'll have to wait a little bit for you Deino now.
  7. @Yagami OK. Thank you!!! XD
  8. @Jace Stormkirk I'm always looking for songs I've never hear before. XP @SilverHelio Oh, you like Biology too. That's awesome! @Hooligan You're welcome! Also, I have other pokémon with good IVs, if you want one don't hesitate to ask.
  9. As you can tell by the title, i want a dark material. Don't worry, i won't steal your item and run. I'll breed some Deinos (5ivs guaranteed) and then we can trade.
  10. @Paul25 Thanks! XD @Dragoknight It's amazing how the MBTI test hits the bull's-eye sometimes. Also: Truer words have never been spoken. @Swamp King Thank you for the recommendation!
  11. @Wolfox I couldn't ask for more. @Kixur Thank you!
  12. @LykosHand @Alistair Thanks! ^^ Pµrple, i failed to tag you. XD
  13. Hello Reborn! I’m Darvin, also known as Orange/Clyde. I’m 19 years old, from Albania. I was graduated from high school this summer and I’m currently hoping to become part of the English-speaking world. I started playing Pokémon Reborn back in December 2016, that led me to this forum. One day I decided to join this community and, one month later, here I am. Reborn has everything I’ve ever wanted in a pokémon game, an interesting story, memorable characters (my favourite character is Cal) and a number of tweaks and changes that make the gameplay more enjoyable and the breeding process less frustrating. The “How to Welcome Yourself” thread suggests that I should let you know exactly who I am, so here it goes: I’m a hipster… also I’m an INFP (for all those MBTI geeks :P). Here is a list of my interests or hobbies, if you want to call them that way: Biology-> It’s an interesting and fun science and i love it to bits. Games-> I mostly (when I say mostly I mean 95% of the time) play pokémon games. My favourite main series game is Platinum and my favourite spinoff is Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. Music-> I don’t play any instruments or sing but I love listening to music (Who doesn’t?!). My favourite genres include indie/alternative rock, rock, metal, folk, jazz, blues, classical and j-pop. Anime-> “colorful graphics, vibrant characters and fantastical themes” the possibilities are endless! Drawing-> I draw from time to time. I’m not that good at it but it’s fun, at least. Gardening-> It’s relaxing and i love plants. My favourite flower is the chinese hibiscus. That's all i have to say about myself. Have a good day/afternoon /evening/night... you get the idea.
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