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About kitsune641

  • Birthday 03/13/1988

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  1. does anyone have the download for v13
  2. im trying to add pixy trick(Takes no damage from and raises Special Attack if hit by a Fairy-type move)
  3. in game eevee was trying to evolve into hawkeon at lvl 8 on windy days
  4. the evolution requirement for hawkeon wasnt lvl 20 for me and was wondering if you could help with adding an ability
  5. is there another way to download this without using mega
  6. venum during gym battle she uses mareanie, lv 12 Alolan Grimer, Level 13 seviper, lv 13 and Toxel, lvl 12
  7. charmander and bulbasaur not learning any moves
  8. my starter pokemon isnt learning any moves
  9. forgot to battle aya and after that fight what was she talking about. kinda skipped it
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