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Everything posted by AbstractTraitorHero

  1. Ren had been rather surprised at his role so far honestly it felt like he wasn't needed or wanted. A frown tugged at their face for a moment....they needed to focus right? To help Lilly. But Harry was handling that and everyone seemed like they would be fine. Ren had done nothing and been able to do nothing this entire time. Ren, however, did not expect what happened next noir could many people have guessed what would happen next. A soft sound gentle barely a whisper like a small ripping sound. It grew and grew growing so it could be heard rather clearly echoing throughout the area and Ren was blinking by this point his eyes containing confusion and then it opened with a small final popping sound like the fabric of reality was being perhaps sundered? Or at the very least it had a rip in it and within a moment from the bay, a green glowing portal appeared. Golden Bay water falling into it like a waterfall and Ren's green eye's normally rather closed due to its slitted nature were wide-eyed and he took a step back. The Rift surged and that was what it was a rift powered by some sort of magic and within merely a moment tendril's of water almost solid looking formed around four of them overall. They moved rather swiftly too swiftly for Ren to avoid them almost certainly and it was obvious they were certainly going for Ren. He seemed to struggle for only a moment before they gave a gasp. Ren knew this person's mana very well and it was this revelation that caused him to cease his struggling and within a moment he found himself flying down into the portal dragged along. Giving a nervous rapid wave and yelling something toward's the rest of the group clearly calmed down before he vanished and with him, the portal closed taking with it the Drakenite and perhaps some bay water. "REN THINK'S THEIR FRIEND'S ARE DRAGGING REN BACK!" Within the hour of that portal shutting if one were to be able to find the Drakenite? They would find Ren quietly eating some fish and chatting with two individuals one a heavily armoured large Drakenite and the other a rather strange cowboy hat-wearing man. He was clearly at his house and had an embarrassed blush on his face but he was certainly smiling all the same and really Ren kinda had to agree....they had dragged him outta something that was way over his head. "...It's nice to be back...I missed this...Raph...Siegmund. Ren is happy to be back."
  2. It is at this point that Ren breathed he was trying to spread his holy magic over the area, unfortunately...Ren lost his focus and his magic surged and flowed...downward into the ground radically changing the area. The Soil became a blinding holy colour and the bay turned a rather bright if perhaps nice looking gold it was certainly an interesting area now...But...uh judging by the sheepish and surprised look on Ren's face this was not his intention. Quietly he moved over to lilly silently kneeling trying to....uh ignore his failure of an attempt until he gets yelled at giving a nervous smile at Lilly. " Lilly...Ren is going to try to patch you up from any remaining damage alright? " Turning to harry Ren yelled. "Bring them over here! Ren can warm them up pretty easily!" During this ren just so happens to try to suck away the magic preferably dispersing or reabsorbing it.
  3. When the boat's go, Ren, is caught off guard peppered by metal shard's and with the sound of ripping fabric. Ren froze up thinking for a mere moment that he had just gotten filled full of metal. After a few moment's the sound of metal hitting the ground make's Ren opened his eyes looking at his slightly cut up dress revealing some of his tan flesh and revealing it to be unharmed Ren smiles looking relieved. Before he realizes that others damn well might not be his green eyes moving upwards and taking in the scene and it wasn't the greatest a lot of people had gotten hurt and Ren could see someone...Frigus perhaps? Beneath ICE!? Why was their ice here!? Ren shook his head clearing it of this questioning he needed to get whoever was underneath their and prevent them from drowning. "Ren is going to get person drowning! Bring to the dock and heal them!" So Ren focused his stability...Letting his aspirations solidfy. Letting his desire to protect grow and solidifying them fully making them unrefutable something solid and strong combining them. His body lightly increasing in his glow and the diamond-like earth protrusion's perhaps growing in size perhaps the earth around him turning into something resembling marble either way. Ren Activate's Holy Earth making multiple tendrils of Holy earth carefully grab Frigus and set him down beside Ren.
  4. Ren was quiet...boat graveyard. This was a boat graveyard and Ren could see how it was pretty bad and Ren thinks they remembered that this was something that needed fixing. Perhaps he could try to make a platform to lift the Boats? Failing that he could try to make really big hands and manipulate them to lift the boat up and set it aside somewhere? Was their somewhere safe to even put them if he did that? Either way for now. Ren will enter the Boat Encounter.
  5. When Proditor reached for Ren's mind it would feel perhaps..slightly strange at first like there was something..perhaps surrounding it faintly or perhaps their whole body an energy perhaps"s? Either way, it didn't try to stop you and Ren's mind felt very...human. With something perhaps feeling ever so slightly off. Ren's thoughts jumbling a bit ranging from some kinda fish to images of an overcrowded city. Before Ren managed to respond their mind sending two words in a low tone. Ren Understand's.
  6. Ren responded rather positively to the hi that he received the oddly dressed feminine Drakeite smiling at the rather strange new compatriot. He, of course, noticed at least partially.....that his other companion was doing something...But he wasn't quite sure what or whether or not he could be included in such a thing and as such he quietly sat down on a bit of dilapidated dock. Quietly perhaps a little excitedly watching the scene unfold soaking in this new person with childlike wonder that often resurfaced sometimes with Ren. He had grown a lot...but sometime's he really did feel like a kid and his lost childhood only made that feeling come out stronger. Either way, Ren was looking at proditor slightly impatiently waiting for a bit of an explanation for what was going on and if he was invited to this whole shebang.
  7. Ren seemed a bit off put for a moment by the lack of a response. The response to proditor however only confused Ren....It surprised him..even he had some language mastery at a very young age. This worried Ren and gently they moved forward raising an eyebrow at Proditor silently asking for an opinion or for permission to try to insert himself into the conversation?
  8. Ren had been quiet...watching the boat's thinking silently ivory horns gently having the sunlight glinting off them. Their large golden wing's twitching as they heard the newcomer and their head turned. Green eye's looking surprised...they had a new person...Ren gently brushed themselves off rising to their full 8ft2 height and looking down or perhaps up if they were particularly gigantic. Giving a small smile they managed to speak. Soft and Feminine their holy aura a soft glow moving with their speech and small earthen pieces erratically moving around them. "Well hello?"
  9. Ren calmly and quietly moved past Frigus letting him speak of course to Miri. She...was in distraught and that was obvious. This might comfort her might help her to know this information. "Ren does not think you have fallen. Ren senses no depravity coming from you....and Ren while....Ren feel's slightly off being this close to you. Ren want's to assure you that there is still a chance. Even if you do fall.....You can be brought back from it and Depravity destroy's...one would suppose....reality? Ren's world.....it is hard to explain...But Ren thinks's you can win. Now here wanna stand up? " Ren kneeled down a bit extending their hand for Mirri to take and lift herself up with.
  10. Ren actually heard this. Looking down at Frigus Ren's face....solidified. This man was the dumbass here and Ren for one had been trying to prevent anyone else from getting hurt. Ren's voice came out scolding their wing's spread slightly their horn's shimmering and their tail hitting the ground with a thud. "Ren simply was stopping someone from going off on their own alone and trying to stop the person who threw lightning at Katana Girl. So no I have not done extra damage. I was solving the problem." Ren...was a bit shocked at their self at the end. They had referred to themselves as I. That was rare and worried Ren just a little bit. Ren only did that when they were especially angry and Ren needed to watch themselves now. Ren had no intention of letting their.....well they are going to do their best to not let their emotions get the better of them. " Ren is Ren Alexander Hertlend and is from Valmasia. Ren is a holy mage."
  11. Ren blinked shocked as Satomi batted his hand away and then moved up. She was crying she was a mess and she was losing it...Ren had been like this before and Ren had always needed help for this..Needed somewhere to cry with maybe one or two people and as such Ren moved their hand's out to grab Satomi....and he missed panicking White marble like earth glowing in the street trying to perhaps Stop Satomi? But...It barely moves. Ren is not solid he is not stable right now and Satomi would be able to move past it in seconds maybe not even noticing it..it only looking like small stumps. However, Ren did notice outta the corner of their eye...the armored person...It they did that didn't they?! Ren....felt themselves harden their body shaking and with as much energy they could muster they attempted to dome Miri into place. White marble like earth glowing and moving rapidly. Ren fully intended to trap Miri inside that dome of rock and Earth...if he was successful Miri would note that it wasn't pitch black there was some light a light glow. The rock itself was warm and smooth and tough though Miri may be able to do some damage to it certainly.
  12. It is at this point. That Ren having been vaguely aware something was happening sees a flash of lightning and hears a sound of grief. Choking back a disbelieving cry shock plastered over the androgynous face of Ren. They were not going to let someone just...die like that! People don't generally live when struck by such lightning and Ren had no idea if the person struck had the strength to survive it whatsoever. That, however, did not stop him from doing what he did next. Energy...white? Golden? A mixture of some sort..Ren's back shifting as mana collasced into something rather huge..7ft4 almost as big as Ren themselves it was massive the tail that was forming was small in comparison...and the flower on their shoulder was glowing as....Mana collasced on their head...ivory like curled horn's appearing a sound like....A roar? Thunder? As it formed properly golden wings...Aura blaring clearly and more rocks around their form as Ren took off toward's the scene flying into the air and landing by where they saw the lightning strike. Hand's glowing with holy energy Ren....Ren was shaking worried. Terrified they wanted to run they wanted to flee from this scene but...they couldn't just do nothing, could they? Either way breathing deep Ren try's to touch Satomi with their glowing hand's and heal their pain and whatever wound's may have been sustained. "R-Ren is here! s-Stay STILL! Ren will fix!" Ren did not look especially in control right now.
  13. Ren gave a small sigh feeling...a little bad truthfully they had already gotten off on a pretty bad foot and Ren had not intended any of this. Ren would have to be careful they needed to work together as a team if they were going to complete the goal's that needed to be done. "Either way Ren is sorry. Ren has not had many bad reactions from the use of holy fire and assumed all but occultist's found it comforting. If you are someone it negatively effects then Ren will try to stay back." Ren then turned and looked towards the rest of the group following the group as best as they could their voice was inquisitive. "Ren would like to be filled in. What are we all doing right now? Or well Ren would like to know where we are going and what our plan is. "
  14. Ren smile's as lilly's hand goes over the fire. Gently glowing a little brighter it.....could be described as a gentle warmth...soothing and warming up her hand and the rest of her arm slowly. It felt....perhap's...Protective a bit? Strong defintely but above all it was warm and it gently seemed to caress Her hand. However it stopped flickered out of existeance when Ren saw the etheral making a break for it. Worry growing over their features. " Ren can keep going until they run outta mana and Ren has never tried that second part" Ren called out to the etheral the flame gone their face worried....had the fire frightened them or was it Ren themselve's? Either way Ren's voice was concerned. "Are you okay? Ren diden't mean...to frighten you. Fire is harmless and Ren meant no one harm where is.....graveyard?"
  15. The rock's are smooth and lightly warm..comforting some might say. Ren seemed to get the hint Lilly was not from valmasia. Ren then moved to explain on his knees now still alarmingly tall. " Ren can do many things's. Like create pillar's shards of rock can heal people with Ren's holy magic and ease their pain and Ren can burn out diseases and afflictions with holy fire without harming the environment or anyone" Ren proceed's to have a ball of glowing golden fire appear in their hand's flickering and warming up the area. Ren smile's and moves it towards Lilly. ""Go ahead touch it. It won't hurt you. In fact any of you can come touch Ren's holy fire and see it won't hurt anything!" Ren had a sincere smile on their face illuminating their green eye's and their white dress shimmering from the light of the fire.
  16. " Ren is Ren Alexander Hertlend and Ren is happy to meet Lilly and Ador! So....Ren is...Ren assume's Lilly is a summoner? Conjuring spirit's of some kind from the lifetream that Kraus created? Ren can see that....Lilly must be very very skilled and Ren is happy for that. Ren know's several types of magic! Ren know's holy magic which is why Ren glow's and know's earth magic which Ren combines with holy!" Ren take's a breath of air their large body undulating with the breath a small flower lightly glowing blue its roots seemingly wrapped around his shoulder tightly. If one had good mana senses they would be able to tell it absorbs ambient mana. On their side was a small pouch of some sort and Ren opened it presenting a map to Lilly.
  17. Ren...stared at the dragon as it sniffed them...curious and inquisitive...Ren had never seen a wyrmling.....Were they really this small? Ren turned their head looking over at Lilly..a small smile coming to their face. Ren thought she looked like a nice person and their semi-revealing clothes did not bother Ren. Their voice came out again soft a bit of a timber to it trying to sound proud clearly. " Ren..is Ren and Ren is a Drakenite..People blessed by Creator Ryujin or well...Descending from the blessed one. Ren is not entirely.....sure of their classifaction...but Ren believe's that Ren is mostly human? What...is wyrmling and girl's name? Ren would like to know. May Ren know?" They intrigued Ren....Ren was not...well Ren did not know anywhere besides Ren's first home The Sarab where people would dress so lightly. Ren needed to know more....were they from Valmasia at all? Or even Eternia?
  18. It is at this moment that something rather interesting happens. A large 8ft2 tanned strawberry blond figure seemingly wearing some manner of a dress appear's in the air fumble's for a few brief moments before hitting the ground with a thud. Eye's shut tight in perhaps confusion? Fear? Either way, Ren wasn't having the best of time's right now. Ren's voice shortly made itself known it had an.....for some familiar tone resembling some kinda germanic or British tilt. " Ren....did not expect that." Lifting themselves up slowly their height became very pronounced overall and green eye's fluttered just barely open..slitted....the more observant among the group would notice a variety of strange...indentation's on their right shoulder and notice the white shirt and pants like underclothes beneath the dress. Ren took in the people around them blinking slowly. A glow around them and small shards of white marble like earth floating around them. This...person...was most likely not fully human and their gender may be a bit hard to deduce.Their voice leans feminine? Either way. Ren was stunned not moving and just taking in the appearances of those around them both bizarre and relatively normal to him.
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