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About arceus342

  • Birthday October 11

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    Toronto, Canada

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  1. Hey everyone, I recently downloaded 18.4 for Mac and am wondering if someone knows about Debug Mode for it - just a faster way to EV/IV train. If anyone has the file please let me know :)
  2. @Araxel I swore I did that but I will go back and see - thanks!
  3. I gave that a shot and she's still out front i have access to debug mode (only use it for EV training/shiny) so I can technically just warp into the ranger building, but i really don't want to have to do that if I don't need to
  4. I would personally invest in a Ralts - you can never go wrong with a Calm Mind/Psychic/Moonblast/Draining Kiss Gardevoir
  5. I just beat Aaron, have done every sidequest I can find, and Sena is still standing in front of the Ranger's Guild... how do I get her to go inside to get the additional key?
  6. Hey everyone, I found a mod in the depths of the mod market that filled boxes 1-25 with the entire obtainable pokedex and now I'm unable to find it anymore... if anyone knows which I'm talking about could you either tag it here or PM me the link? Thanks!!
  7. ok awesome that helps a lot - thanks!
  8. Hey community - I'm a supernoob when it comes to competitive pokemonning and I'm struggling getting my EV training done with some of my baby pokemon... if anyone is willing to help me please let me know. I have a whole bunch that I'm looking to train (E18 has been kicking the asses of my non-competitive team) but by no means expect any one person to train all of them... whatever anyone is willing to offer is extremely appreciated. If anyone can also provide tips on efficient EV training that would be fantastic as well!
  9. When I battled Samson, I had a Sheer Force Braviary did really well against him - maybe switching Braviary's ability would help as you get more damage off on Air Slashes and Crush Claws. Sky Drop also does well because it counts as one of the High Striker attacks that will cause a higher damage roll because you have Sheer Force
  10. I've got Beldum, Aromatisse, Steelix, Ursaring, Lumineon, Sandslash (normal), Wailord, Turtonator, Gigalith, Wailord, Tentacool, Bergmite
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