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  1. Hey everyone! It's been a few months since the official release of Pokemon Reborn and I bet that most of us have probably finished the main game and even postgame by now. I wanted to do a fun post as in Reborn we had access to every Pokemon from Generation 1-7. My question to you is this: What is your Champion/Elite 4 Team. (If you wanna include Gen 8 you can, but I didn't since I was focusing on mons in Reborn.) I don't mean the team you used to beat the game or postgame, but the team you would use if you were literally Champion of a region, any region (not just Reborn). On another note, if you weren't Champion, what Elite 4 team would you have and what Type/types would you use for challengers? There are a few limitations to this choice. For the Champion team, you can list one Legendary/Mythical Pokemon to use if you want, but no more than one. For Elite 4, you are not allowed to use any Legendaries or Mythical Pokemon, so choose wisely! My Champion team would be these guys on either a Starlight Arena or Holy Field. Garchomp Togekiss Silvally (Holding a Dark Memory) Serperior (With Contrary) Delphox Empoleon (My Ace) Yes its a weird team for Starlight Arena or Holy Field but for the moveset for most of my team, many of their moves would be boosted on Starlight while Garchomp is Garchomp and would just kick the crap out of you. On Holy Field, not only is Garchomp boosted but Togekiss is a BEAST on this field with Dazzling Gleam and Timid Nature as well as Delphox's Psychic and Serperior with Contrary/Leaf Storm and Dragon Pulse. Silvally automatically becomes Dark type on the field so instead of a Memory, I can give him a better item to use for his attacks. Strangely, Empoleon would be my ace purely because Empoleon is my favorite Pokemon of all time and Water/Steel is such an underrated type combined with the sheer bulk and power Empoleon has if used correctly. For the Elite 4, I'd use Dark type Pokemon since Dark is my favorite Type even though my Champion team doesn't consist of any. My Elite 4 team would be these guys on a New World field. Zoroark (Disguised as Drapion) Greninja Incineroar Drapion Tyranitar (Mega) Hydreigon Kinda feel like Luna with the Dark types, but Dark is my favorite type. Just how they are so menacing and cool looking though a lot of Pokemon are cool. Hydreigon is my favorite Dark type of all time and while it didn't make the cut for my Champion team, it would be my ace for this team. (I feel like Lin now, lol). I can't wait to see everyone's answers!
  2. For my first run of Pokemon Reborn to win I had this team. I had trained backup mons too but these six made the cut and proved themselves worthy. It wasn't really trial and error putting this team together, it was more like using my favorite Pokemon of all time. The Elite Four was hard, but somehow I beat all of them on my first try, so yay.
  3. Hi! I wanted to get into Pokemon Reborn and am a big PERFECTIONIST and wanted to know if there was full walkthrough guide for the latest v18 release. I don't want to miss out on anything in this game! Any links would be helpful. Thank you!
  4. I was able to find it! Thank you all so much!
  5. Thank you for your response! Where in Darchlight Cave would it be?
  6. So, I showed the girl in the GDC department store a gible and got the dark matter core, but when i tried to use it for Deino to appear at the Isle of Angels, It doesn't work. Do I need another dark substance with the dark matter core and if so, how do I obtain it?
  7. Hello! When going through the puzzle in Eclysia Pyramid to switch between my character, Aelita, and Ren, my character reached their part, but I was unable to switch to Ren or Aelita using the A key. I can move, but because I can't switch, I can't progress. I would very much like help with this. LastSave.dat
  8. I have a question. I restarted the game from the beginning because I haven't played in so long. There was a lady in East Gearen who sold rare candies back in V9. I was hoping to get one in the new version to help level up my one pokemon before my gym battle, but she wasn't selling them anymore. Does she not sell them anymore or is there another person who sells them?
  9. Okay, I was able to put up the link! Thanks for the help. I tried to see if my game would work again, but I'm still stuck on that tree in Akora forest. Thank you so much for the help! Game.rxdata
  10. I was looking for a mankey in Akora Forest. I touched a tree and now I can't move. the only thing I can do is save my game. I put so much time into this game and I really don't wanna start over. if someone could help me that would be great! I'm not sure how to put my game data on here for anyone to fix like everyone else did tho.
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