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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by mario98

  1. tsareena is terrible,it wont bring anything good for your team, i mean, grass physical attacker is horrible. roserade is the best, but you said you dont want it. between cradily and lilligant i would say lilligant but if you want an annoyer(toxic,stealth rock, synthesis,other move) you may want cradilly. i still think lilligant is better.
  2. i found a bug on the kimono girls quest, i lost the battle agains the second to last girl(glaceon), and although it teleported me to the pokecenter the game still treated as if i had won, so i battled the last girl with a full team and won the rewards. also note that i had already lost to other girls and this only happened agains the glaceon one.( the other one i lost was espeon)
  3. honestly i like both, theyre not alike for the most part, but both are amazing.
  4. if you did everything else, hes in the rooftop garden in onyx ward
  5. thank you. just in case you dont know if you want togepi talk to a man in coral ward while having probopass in your party.
  6. nosepass,is it possible??i know we can find probopass but i cant master enough courage to dive in that desert for the millionth time. also if not possible can someone tell me exactly where to find probopass, i already found one but didnt bother
  7. turn brightness and contrast wayyyy down and you will see the markers. alternatively theres a video on youtube. good luck, this was wayyy more annoying than the last one.
  8. its not thiz puzzle im looking for, its the one before that, and i still cant get it.
  9. grubbin is a event earlier in the game(i believe it replaces panpour/wingull, now its either joltik or grubbin)
  10. ive about had it with this f****** tower, after hours of trying this BS puzzle i decided to just get out only to find that i cant, it just loops around until everything is cleared, and i cant clear it, does someone know the puzzle on the 6th floor, ive done basically all combinations, i dont have any ideas.
  11. how do i know which tile am i supposed to put the pyramids????????????ive done like 4 of these annoying things and randomly got it, now im on the fifth and i have no idea which tile to put this damn thing...
  12. i took the zekrom path cause i like taka and dont give a damn about titania, clearly she put herself in the situation shes in, whie taka never had a choice and is slowly realizing that he DOES have a choice...also cause, you know, battle is always better than not battle(that precious exp). i hated the desert part, i had no idea what to do, took quite some time to figure the annoying puzzle out and then find some random people, then some random place, then randomly titania and lin with no context whatsoever????yeah, this path sucks.
  13. i saw him again in one of the rooms of the place where poor people live in peridot ward(before was a factory). he just ran again, though.
  14. where is amaria???????????? julia said she and titania were in the gym, but i already searched all the pools,so where are they?????
  15. so,ummm,yeah, that desert...no idea at all what to do...why did it have to be a desert... i eventually got to the end and it says theres a sandstorm or whatever, i figure i have to use those trains in the scrapyard,but theres some rocks in there and i cant pass through them.
  16. i found this game last year by randomly googling it, stopped on route 2 with 0 interest to continue(not that the game is bad, it was just rough times in real life). then cleaning the computer on the beginning of the year i thought i accidentaly deleted it(lol), then like 2 months ago i saw a random video of the game on youtube and poke hype mode went all the way up and i went to download it again. much to my surprise my old file on route 2 was still there, but i started anew anyway cause i didnt remember anything about the story, except that it was very good...also im seeing people saying this is a hard game, its really not, its a fair game, if you want BS difficulty with all odds against you at all times i suggest rejuvenation( again, not that the game is bad, is just unfair, and i finished playing the current version)
  17. mario98

    E17 release?

    whats the problem with the AI?
  18. mario98


    hey guys, so i finished the main game for now and put all my team on the bench and started training a reserve team...anyway, i put everyone at level 50 at least for now. i would like you to recommend me good movesets for these pokemon cause i never used them(also i dont care about EV and whatnot) noctowl-50-fly/reflect/air slash/zen headbutt rotom-65-electro ball-hex-substitute-ominous wind goodra-51-rain dance-muddy water-dragon pulse-body slam misdreavus-50-psybeam-pain spilt-shadow ball-destiny bond klefki-60-play rough-magic room-toxic-dazzling gleam(maybe take out magic room for trick room??) drapion-57-cross poison-toxic spikes-crunch-night slash
  19. as others said maccargo sucks badly, one water move and its done... the rest of the team is ok, empoleon probably could have better moveset, look into your tms. finally gallade is physical poke, your moveset for kirlia is kinda special, maybe going gardevoir is better??
  20. so, is this field used like, in any other place???? cause im pretty sure it isnt, and thats pretty uncommon, most fields appear in gym battles or terrain, but this one is just on this one area. maybe next release put this during shades battle, the system online/system crash field is used in so many places already...
  21. well, in general i try icy wind or such move to slow them down, if possible, otherwise trick room does it. moving first is pretty crucial on important battles. annoying status come next, in current playthrough thunder wave or glare, and finally lowering stats(acid spray is god). but i actually killed more than one ace pokemon with bide pachirisu( those defensive stats are pretty good). as for changing fields sludge wave can change quite a feel
  22. normal trainers fight are no problem, and special trainers(leaders,rival, meteor admins,etc...) i mostly use it for that intimidate+ -2 special defense. it also had glare but i decided to put gunk shot instead and keep thunder wave on ampharos. its also not too slow so it can enter battle, cripple the opposing mons and then either let it be killed or switch out and destroy the crippled people. finally sludge wave can change quite a few field effects into others and couples really well with acid spray. crunch is there because why not, even though its not faster than most psychics. honestly it helped me so much already im just gonna keep it until it really becomes unusable( which i doubt will happen). on my last playthrough i had bide pachirisu save my back so many times,lol
  23. would like to battle. nick: mario98
  24. hey guys, thanks for the tips, i actually beat him using my team(he withdrew granbull because why not and sent in whimsicott, giving arbok a free kill and no tailwind to annoy fire attacks), after that it was easy. im going to look into beldum soon. as for magnezone i already used it on so many playthroughs im not gonna use on this one,lol.
  25. so half of my team is literally there just to serve as sacrifices while the rest buff up, which i guess its bad. anyway, heres the strategy ive been using- send out meowstic and mamoswine-meowstic apparently always goes last when using trick room(why????????????) even though when using other moves it goes before even gardevoir...anyway, i just use psychic, then pray gardevoir misses focus blast, then mamo uses icy wind. then i just wait for them to die. after send out haxorus so it can use shadow claw on gardevoir, making it red. then after its dead i use arbok and blaziken, bulk up blaziken while he heals and then kill granbull and gardevoir. then mawile and togekiss come out, one blaze kick kills mawile, but after that its just death(well, not really, but i dont know what to do to florges, everything else eventually dies). my team- meowstic 75(shadow ball-trick room-psychic-psyshock) mamoswine(earthquake-icy wind-ice fang-strength) blaziken( sky uppercut-bulk up- blaze kick-flamethrower and also speed boost) arbok( gunk shot-acid spray- sludge wave- crunch and intimidate) ampharos( thunder wave- electro ball-discharge-signal beam) haxorus(dragon dance-outrage-shadow claw-surf)
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