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Del Rey

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Del Rey

  1. Salandit: Also, you can catch a bunch of gen 7 mons on the Tanzan Cove like Cutiefly,Ribombee,Togedemaru,Comfey and Oricorio.
  2. YASSSS! It's Finally heree Thank you so much Queen Ame~
  3. @Zarc ok i'll wait btw i saw your collection of shinies, is your Metagross and Lopunny still available?
  4. @Zarc well...I actually still need some mons uhmm i really need a fighting type in my team and Hawlucha is my fav. fighting mon. i already have him in my game but he's ivs are terrible. so do u have any that ivs are good? also i'm looking for Corsola and Slakoth(for Mirror coat and Counter)
  5. Hi! i'm looking for espurr,larvesta and feebas. i really need them in my team. willing to trade my shiny ones!
  6. Hello~ i'm looking for Corsola, i'm willing to trade my Roselia(31 ivs on Spa,Def and Sdef)
  7. Name:Chloe,Blair or Grey Trainer Type: She's a famous movie star and/or also one of the admin of the evil organization if there's any Her team: (She always battle in Doubles) Personality: She's Giovanni's daughter that's why she's famous and in evil org. she's not really evil nor good. she's cold and doesn't talk too much but she really love her pokemons esp. her meowstic.she will give a ton amount of money if beaten. Sprite: I imagine her as the girl in my profile pic ^^
  8. I'm pretty sure Julia will get Oricorio Pom-pom
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