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About KSmeat

  • Birthday 02/02/1990

Profile Information

  • Alias
    Kaylee, Kay, KSmeat
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    anime, drawing, video games etc. etc.

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  1. Happy Birthday :D, i hope that you will have a great day ^^

  2. Okay thats awesome. I'm a bit of a completionist so the fact they werent showing up as caught and/or seen etc. bugged me. Big time. xD
  3. Hey I really like this mod. One question though, you know how you can do the shared pc thing, and pick whatever starter you want? Well I was wondering if any pokemon in the shared pc would count in the pokedex and so on. Like say youve caught it, seen it etc? I'm wanna do a do-over so I have all the (original) starters. And wanted to know if it would count in the Pokedex/Pokemon count when withdrawn from Shared PC.
  4. Thank you everyone for all the lovely welcomes! =D
  5. Mmm, looks like its time to go save Dandelion's butt in Novigrad. (Guesses as to the game) ;D

  6. My sleeping pattern since being ill last week is seriously messed up. I've turned bloomin' nocturnal xD

  7. Huh, learn a new thing everyday. I'll try and remember it xD
  8. Likewise, thank you for the welcome.
  9. Yeah, its not all bad. Mine flows with my creativity mostly as well. Artwise anyway. And I am very good at memorising languages. Not too bad with maths but not one of my strong suits lol. I was diagnosed in 2003 when I was 12/13, so at the time my diagnosis was known as Atypical Autism within the PDD-NOS category. But since its all umbrella'd under ASD now, its just easier to say that. I am high functioning and am more Aspergers, but have traits of the lower end also. A bit of both as it were. Thank you for being so welcoming!
  10. Hello, My name is Kaylee. I am female, 27 and from the UK. And I have Autism. I love all things Japan, languages, anime, manga, gaming, drawing and Pokemon. I've been really enjoying the Reborn and Rejuvenation games. I don't often sign up to forums due to various reasons coinciding with my ASD. I worry about how I portray myself. A LOT. But otherwise I am generally a very friendly, and oddly enough chatty person. But I also tend to be literal, blunt and get social cues wrong. But I want to assure everyone that I mean absolutely nothing by it and do not mean to come of as rude. I actually don't realise unless its brought to my attention. I'm a bit daft at times, but I'm a nice gal, really! Lol. xD Anyway, I'm not too great with introductions, but its nice to meet you all. Kaylee
  11. Nevermind, I think I found the issue. Silly me xD. Looks like the followers folder didn't extract properly as its missing some files. I redownloaded and this time the files extracted properly so seems to work now. Sorry for the bother!
  12. I go to just open from the Rejuv Followers folder, and I get this.
  13. Well I did wonder, but I thought I had to extract the files into the rejuvenation folder? I redid it all, and kept it separate but then i just get a load error when opening Rejuvenation from the followers folder. I'm relatively new to this, so yeah derp. xD
  14. Just tried that and its still doing the same thing. D=
  15. Hey, I loved HG/SS follower option. I've run into an issue though, could just be a glitch or just me derping. Basically, I've extracted contents of the zip file, into my Rejuvenation folder. My Rejuvenation is all up to date. Now I understand you won't have all Gen 7 Pokemon available. But for some reason or another, the mod works, but no sprites are actually showing in the overworld? I picked Popplio, and I caught a Pidgey. Not even Pidgey will show, although I can speak to it. Have I gone wrong somewhere?
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