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Trufa last won the day on September 8 2024

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65 Samaritan


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  1. This is the team I last played Reborn, I always forget to look which part of the forum I'm in before replying to a post. Sorry haha I kept thinking about the match, and Archeops would deal with every setter you have, but this was before you using a focus sash on galvantula, it would have to come after Excadrill defeat, so I don't know how good it would play. I'd change flying gem for wide lens so it won't miss Rock Slide against A-Nine. Also I don't have a mega on my team. Blaziken would miss the moves and Ash-Greninja isn't available (at least on Reborn) and Mega Sharpedo are still a problem. My idea was to use Tyranitar as mega and with the ability Sandstream + changing Mold Breaker for Sand Rush on Exca, I don't think Sticky Web would even be a problem, but I didn't test this in any playthrough. Anyway, it's nice to see the forum still going after Reborn ending. See ya~
  2. I don't know if I'd beat you. I like your team because it's fast-attack oriented just like mine, but my mons are just faster. My first is always Archeops, with U-turn and 110 base speed plus jolly nature, it makes a great scout so I can change for a more proper mon if needed. If you rely just on Roserade's Sleep Powder to set up, I'd deal with that on turn 1. Excadrill can deal with the set ups using Rapid Spin and Weavile can deal with almost everything on your team. Sharpedo would be a pain because I don't think Weavile can take it down in just one turn, and it would do serious damage to my Roserade, so focus sash will help. Long time since I thought about battle, I think this would play nice. See ya~ Adamant Blaziken @ Wide Lens Ability: Speed Boost EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Moves - Bulk up - Blaze Kick - High Jump Kick - Thunder Punch Timid Greninja @ Expert Belt Ability: Protean EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Moves - Toxic Spikes - Scald - Dark Pulse - Extrasensory Timid Roserade @ Focus Sash Ability: Technician EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Moves - Toxic Spikes - Extrasensory - Magical Leaf - Dazzling Gleam Jolly Archeops @ Flying Gem Ability: Defeatist EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Moves - U-Turn - Acrobatics - Rock Slide - Dragon Claw Jolly Excadrill @ Life Orb Ability: Mold Breaker EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Moves - Swords Dance - Iron Head - Earthquake - Rapid Spin Adamant Weavile @ Razor Claw Ability: Cursed Body EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Moves - Hone Claws - Throat Chop - Ice Punch - Brick Break
  3. Hey man, doing fine? You still need the mimikyu? It's been a while since I last played reborn, but I should have one laying around. Tell me when you are available, and we try the trade. You can give me anything on the trade, so don't worry.
  4. @Sirrobert You ser, have my respect. Issue solved. Thanks!
  5. I used SWM mainly to change mons between saves. I'd like to bring some mons I had in E18 to the beginning of E19. So, if I start the game in E18, the mons are in the Shared Box, but when I start E19, the Shared Box is there, but empty. This was supposed to work? I used the same strategy between E17 and E18 and it worked. Thanks since now
  6. Trufa

    hey man, I saw your answer to the dev post. it's possible to transfer pokemon between saves with SWM modular pack. I did this to start the game with the team I built. It's even possible to transfer mons from Reborn to Rejuv since the pack works on both games (I did this as well). The only thing is that the pack may not work for E19 right on the release, but given a few days, I'm sure Waynolt will solve this. 


    See ya~

    1. xKit


      Hey, thanks for the suggestion! I actually use the SWM modpack myself, but I wasn't sure if Waynolt was still an active modder in the community. If trading between saves doesn't work for whatever reason, this'll definitely be my Plan B. Also good to know about transferring to Rejuv! I wasn't aware of that, and will probably do that when I begin my playthrough of it.

  7. Hey there, welcome to the forum! Indeed, Reborn is like a golden hook, once caught, it's hard to let go. Hope you like your ride and enjoy the forum, people around here are very heartwarming and always tend to help if you're in need. To your questions then: 1) I believe this one is personal. The next patch will be episode 19, which will add an end game. Every episode added some new content in terms of location, pokémons, itens and story progressing. I started in E15, at that point we were able to get until the fairy gym (won't spoil too much). E19 will add an end to the story, the last major trainers from the Reborn Pokémon League and a rework on the first areas of the game. So you can play now, learn how to work your ways on Reborn and then revisit the game with all your knowledge to see the differences, or just go until where E18 ends and wait when E19 comes to continue, up to you. 2) Yeah, the beginning at Reborn City does feel like that. I believe it's game design, to make Reborn the most challenging and playable at the same time while most of the important characters are presented. Try to manage your resources, save before battles so you won't lose money and good luck :P 3) As said, some quests have multiple parts which should be done at different moments, maybe you got a bit too far on this one quest, that's why you battled a stronger opponent. Anyway Reborn will always look for break you down, there's the challenge. In the beginning you don't have access to a large variety of mons, let alone good ones. So keep an eye for event pokémon, there is a Teddyursa on the loose around town, a Pichu taking his time on a rooftop and a Budew balancing itself around an edge. Those pokémons may be there at any time or they need a specific weather or time of the day to appear. They can shift your game if you look carefully. Other thing to keep an eye on is the pokémon nature. Try to plan a build for your mon, the ability it should have, the moves, and choose a fitting nature. Then you can try to catch one with said nature, or soft reset on an event mon until you get it. Once you get access to the day care, you can start breeding better mons to your game. If you don't mind changing the vanilla game, SWM Modular Pack really helps! It have lots of options to help ease the game. Take a look: Leveling up mons is indeed tedious. That's why some battlers appear on Reborn Pokémon Center, you can battle them as much as you want and level your mons pretty fast. I believe they start to appear there after you beat the first gym, but I'm not sure about that last part. There is also a different trainer for every day of the week, so you can change your pc's date to get the one easier to your team. One last hint: Torchic with Speed Boost and Froakie with Protean are the best starters throughout the game. Hope it helps! Don't mind asking for directions when having a hard time, people here are very caring! See ya~
  8. I really like Drapion and Crobat suggestion. Both have very good movesets and will help with typing overlapping (as mentioned). I prefer Crobat because its faster and it took a position on my team for a while. When U-turn is available, it can be really helpful as a scout. Drapion fits your team better because you don't have a Dark mon, even if Flygon has Crunch, it isn't STAB. Blaziken is unanismously the strongest mon in reborn. I use it on my team and I'll share the moveset I use: Adamant Blaziken @ Wide Lens Ability: Speed Boost EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Moves - Bulk up - Blaze Kick - Hi Jump Kick - Thunder Punch / Brave Bird Bulk up to enhance the mon if needed. Blaze Kick and Hi Jump Kick are STAB and will never miss with Wide Lens. Thunder Punch you'll get after Reborn City Restoration, it'll be the best coverage, but you can use anything here, Brave Bird is a good option. If you want Blaziken to be mega, then the moveset should change a little with the addition of Blazikenite and Flare Blitz. I also use Roserade on my team. The mon is fine, good stats and all, but it will shine when you bred it to have good moves. Here is my moveset: Timid Roserade @ Miracle Seed / Amplifield Rock Ability: Technician EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Moves - Toxic Spikes / Grassy Terrain - Extrasensory - Magical Leaf - Hidden Power / Dazzling Gleam Toxic Spikes and Extrasensory you'll get through breeding, Toxic goes for setters and Extra for coverage. Grassy Terrain + Amplifield Rock really pulled me through some fights. Magical Leaf + Technician ability will have 90 of Power plus its inability to miss. If you go for a good IV breeding, Hidden Power Fire or Ice will really have a good coverage for your mon. Dazzling Gleam can be useful in some fights, but it's not that reliable. You might want to consider changing Arcanine. Same type as Blaziken and almost same moveset. I'd recommend Psychic, Fairy or Ice Mons so you have more options on your team. A-Ninetales seems to fit good on your team. Gardevoir would be a good option too. Hope it helps. See ya~
  9. Hey man, that's awesome! Thank you very much, I'm really greatful!
  10. Trufa

    Ditto and IVs

    Hello there. Congrats on your run! Seems you like monorun, but why don't you try an only 6 mon run, then you can use some good breedings and try to beat the game without any other mon. I like playing like this haha Regarding Ditto, there are three possibilities: 1 - Reseting the hell out of the game until you get one; 2 - Hacking the game or using a mod that enables you to put an specifc mon in there. I think Reborn Hardcore mod enables something like this; 3 - Trading. Another approach you may want to use is breeding a set of mons that covers all the egg groups, so you keep breeding them until you get a male with 5 or preferable 6 IVs and use them in your wanted breeds. I recommend the set: Charmander (Monster/Dragon), Phantump (Grass/Amorphous), Woobat (Flying/Field), Spinda (Field/Human Like), Remoraid (Water 1/Water 2), Skorupi (Bug/Water3), Snorunt (Fairy/Mineral). Though you can pretty much take any mons so you can cover all egg groups. I am able to provide any of theses mons (even ditto), maybe even the ones you are looking to breed yourself, but already bred. Hope it helps. See ya~
  11. Hello guys. As everyone around here knows, Reborn E19 is just around the corner HYYYYYYYPE, and I'm planning to stream two runs of the game. The first run will be a normal run since the beginning, to see what have changed, using the mons I come by while playing. The second one will also be from the start, but I'll use the team I've been building over the last episodes, all IV bred and EV trained (when waynolt's SWM modular pack start working for the new episode), so to see how the team will work out. For the runs, me and a friend are working on a overlay for the stream to look nice, we have just started, so there isn't much things, here goes one picture where we were trying stuff (I'll be using spoiler sections so the post don't get too messy): For the second run, I would like to use some gifs of the six mons I'll use, but I don't seem to find good ones. I did find many gifs on this link: https://play.pokemonshowdown.com/sprites/ani/ , but I don't think they are very attractive. I prefer a more pixelated artwork, so I downloaded some of the gifs from the fifth generation on bulbapedia and some I found on google. Problem is one of my team members, Greninja and its prior evolutions, weren't available on fifth generation so there isn't any gif on bulbapedia. I did find two good gifs, but they doesn't fit well with the others and I didn't manage to find one for Frogadier. Here are them: Anyway, I'd like to ask if anyone out there have a good gif for Froakie, Frogadier and Greninja (mainly Frogadier since I didn't find any one good). Also, if there is any pixelart animator willing to do these gifs, I would be super happy. I'm willing to pay if needed. Also, if it interests anyone, I just recently got into streaming and I can't also do it for long periods since I have a permanent job, but it would be nice if you drop by. My native language isn't English, but I can try to manage. Here goes the link: That's it folks, thanks for your time! See ya~
  12. Hi! No problem, I really like giving some thoughts here. Mach Punch indeed is good, I forget to put it there, could also be a rotation move. The hold back on Infernape for me is that it doesn't learn Ice Punch, so much for its Iron Fists. Well, if the reason is the need of a Steel mon, we have a lot on the pool. Lucario for example can have Physical and Special builds that have a lot of coverage moves on both (I'll leave a moveset for both, special build is easier to pull), AND it also bring the Fighting type to the table, which removes the need for Infernape on the team, leaving the spot open to other Fire mon. We would need to rethink the team though, because you would lose advantage against Water mons. Also Lucario has a Mega if you don't opt for Garchomp. Other good Steel mons (for my taste) are Metagross (also mega), Excadrill (has sinergy with Hippodown as well) and Durant. Speaking of Hippodown, another one that can bring Sandstorm to the battle is Tyranitar. It also has mega option and great stats. Just some food for thought... I see, you could use a pokemon just to fly, or use SWM modular pack. It has a feature that allows you to use any HM with any pokemon, provided you have the item on your inventory. I don't like Sharpedo either haha. Starmie is heavily dependent on TM moves to become good, most of them aren't available yet, unfortunately. I use Greninja on my team, with Protean and Expert Belt, this frog becomes a monster, I'll leave the moveset I use for it. But if you like Milotic, just go for it. The main reason to play is to feel well xD Greninja @ Expert Belt Ability: Protean IVs: 31/X/31/31/31/31 EVs: 4 HP / 252 Sp. Atk / 252 Spd Nature: Timid / Modest (Timid prefered) Moves: - Toxic Spikes (setter) / Ice Beam (When available) / U-turn (If you need a scout) - Water Pledge (for early game) / Surf (for doubles) / Scald (STAB) - Extrasensory (STAB) - Dark Pulse (STAB) Lucario @ Lucarionite Ability: Any for normal form, I prefer Inner Focus IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31 EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Nature: Jolly Moves: - Swords Dance - Meteor Mash (STAB) - Close Combat / High Jump Kick (If you are feeling lucky) / Drain Punch (helps a lot. All moves STAB) - Blaze Kick / Crunch / Poison Jab / Earthquake / Rock Slide / Extreme Speed / Thunder Punch / Ice Punch / Bullet Punch (MANY MANY COVERAGE) Lucario @ Lucarionite Ability: Inner Focus IVs: 31/X/31/31/31/31 EVs: 4 HP / 252 Sp. Atk / 252 Spd Nature: Timid Moves: - Nasty Plot - Flash Cannon (STAB) - Aura Sphere (STAB) - Dragon Pulse / Psychic / Dark Pulse (Coverage)
  13. Hey man! Great work you've got there, congratulations. I started playing Reborn back at E15, when Adrienn was the last leader you could beat. At that time, my only knowledge about beating a pokemon was the experience I got from first to third generation, so I suffered a lot just to get to Adrienn, just to get my ass beaten once again. At this point I started studying base stats, natures, EVs, IVs, egg moves, breeding and which mons were best on Reborn. My second run was more about capturing the mons I'd like to use with the right nature and thinking more about which moves each one would have, EVs, IVs and egg moves were too much work in my vision. I have to say that Floatzel really showed up, even with a moveset not that varied. At the end I could beat Adrienn and I started to understand even better the game an the breeding mechanic, so I spent a lot of time breeding for the right stats and moves. My third run started with a box with 30 mons, all with the designs a like, best stats for my playstyle and I could beat E16 with these 30 in rotation. The problem was leveling them all between each gym leader, so I started thinking of try and beat Reborn with only six pokemon. With this last run, I picked the ones that I liked the most and some that people here really liked. The team were Blaziken, Greninja, Roserade, Raichu (Alolan weren't available at this point), Gengar and Staraptor. My fourth run was calibrating the team. Blaziken, Greninja and Roserade performed great. Raichu, Staraptor and Gengar got out during the run. Raichu doesn't have a good moveset (Alolan is better) and it's not good stat-wise. Staraptor with Reckless and Brave Bird are really good, but that recoil got me down many times. Gengar was a big disappointment: nice design, good stats BUT it relies heavily on TM moves that aren't available on the game to this day (well they were available on the first episodes, but not when I started playing). Even then the team wasn't good enough, as I didn't have response against some types, mainly Electric. I then came to the forum asking for help and I did get it. First position was filled by Excadrill, very fast, very strong, good moveset and fills the role of a setter on my team (with stealth rock. Sometimes Greninja or Roserade help in this regard with Toxic Spikes). The second was filled by Crobat, also fast, also strong, also good moveset (mostly by egg moves) and replaced Staraptor as a flying type really good, the only problem was the repeated Poison type. In the last position came Weavile, the same as the other two, but it started to shine in generation 7, where it started to learn Throat Chop as egg move. I did finish the run, but that small problem with Roserade and Crobat typing got my atention. The solution? Archeops. One more time, fast, strong, excellent moveset and it kept the role of Crobat as scout, using U-turn (which it learns by level up). The fifth run was on E18, with the team: Blaziken, Greninja, Roserade, Excadrill, Archeops and Weavile. As you may have notice, I don't have a support mon on the team. All of them are very offensive and fast which reflects my playstyle, I like hitting first and hard. With these mons and their moveset I have coverage for everything. One small thing is that I started the run with the six of them, fully bred and at lvl 5 on my box (thanks SWM pack). Maybe it is cheating, but I did work on their breed legitimely looking for testing them the whole game. And that's what I did. With some changing on the lead mon when needed, I could beat all of E18 with only those 6 mons. Of course your rules were much harder and I think your merit is higher, but I'm proud of the team I build and how it performed on the game. One small problem for this team is that Weavile and Greninja have the same role at taking ghost/psychic mons down, but I still couldn't think a good replacement for Weavile, Greninja will not leave the team ha ha. I also started an other run with a pack of six mons, also bred and lvl 5 at the start of the game. They were: Scyther, Starmie, Krookodile, Breloom, Salazzle and A-Ninetales. The same plastyle and I could also beat E18. Well, too much of a writing. I hope you keep up the good work. See ya~
  14. All right my boy, it's been a while since I have built a team, let's hope I don't ** this up. First I like to build a team looking for coverage against all types plus I like to have a very agressive team. You seem to like building with doubles in mind with moves like Aurora Veil and Tailwind, I'll try to keep it in mind. I'll also show EVs/IVs that i think works best, I hope you can work some breeding. Infernape @ Life Orb Ability: Iron Fist IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31 EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Nature: Jolly Moves: - Swords Dance (Boost) - Fire Punch (STAB) - Thunder Punch (Coverage) - Close Combat / Power Up Punch / Poison Jab / Shadow Claw / U-turn Crobat @ None / Flying Gem Ability: Infiltrator IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31 EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Nature: Jolly Moves - Confuse Ray (Coverage) - Acrobatics (STAB) - Cross Poison (STAB) - Leech Life / U-turn (Coverage) Garchomp @ Garchompite Ability: Rough Skin -> Sand Force IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31 EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Nature: Jolly Moves - Swords Dance / Stealth Rock (Buff / Setter) - Earthquake (STAB) - Dragon Claw (STAB) - Crunch (Coverage) Well, let's go wild with Infernape. Iron Fist + Life Orb will bump your moves a lot, with good IVs and the right alocation of EVs, you'll deal a lot of damage. As Jolly nature will boost your speed, you can use U-turn to scout in battles and be more prepared to what is coming. I can't seem to understand why overheat would be more effective without proper nature (Modest or Timid) and IV/EV building. As Swords Dance's TM is not available yet, you can use any moves listed on the last move, also use them when you need to change strategy for some specific battle. Also, if you want to stick with a fire mon, Blaziken is one of the best, I use one on my team. It's said by many in this forum as one of the best to use in Reborn, Magnezone doesn't fit my play style so I can't give too much about it. In my view, most of electric mons are very limited by their moveset when it comes to coverage. I'd prefer to use a Grass mon that will be more reliable and will have the same role as a electric mon on a team (mostly dealing with water mons). Electivire and Alolan Raichu are better for me if you still want to stick to electric, my preferencer is for the first. I used Crobat on my team a while ago, and I used this moveset I showed here. Crobat is one of the fastest pokemon available so it'll always go first. If it doesn't hold any item, Acrobatics double its power (from 55 to 110), it could also hold a Flying Gem, which will be consumed before the move hits, bumping its power to 165 in one turn, this without recoil that Brave Bird inflicts. Leech Life will help regain some HP if needed. U-turn will work the same as on Infernape, but better here, as Crobat is faster. Keep in mind not to repeat moves or move types to have a good coverage. If you stick with Crobat, don't use U-turn or Poison Jab on Infernape. Flygon is a problem for me in this team. It repeat the Crobat's flying type and it doesn't have great stats and great movesets. What we can profit from it, is the ground typing. Krookodile and Garchomp would bring more to the table. Mamoswine would be a good addition too, but with A-Ninetalest, we would have two ice types. Krookodile would be really nice, but Garchomp is just better stat-wise and also it would be the mega on your team, I'll leave a moveset for it. Also you could think of having a sandstorm setter like Hippodown, just so Garchomp would be even better. For A-Ninetales, I'd change Freeze Dry for Extrasensory just for coverage, we don't have Psychic moves on the team so far. The aforementiones Hippodown could come on this slot. Milotic doesn't fit my play style the same as Magnezone. I can't help with it too much, but I believe it is good enough for the team. I suppose you use it to revive some mons while you keep staling your enemy. More offensive water mons would be Starmie, Sharpedo (also has mega) and Greninja. All very fast, agressive and with a lot of coverage moves. Hope it helped!
  15. Yes, I used a mod to make things a bit faster. This one: It doesnt' make the breed process for you, but it does fasten things up. I also breeded a team of 7 mons that cover every egg group with 6 IVs. I can't remember which ones I used (I only remember charmander and spinda). That helped until someone traded me a 6 IVs ditto (hacked I believe) which I used to finish the breedings I wanted. Regarding EV, I trained them myself, passing on Pokérus and using the power items to speed things up. I also used these two links to help finding the better places: https://pokemondb.net/ev/all
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