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  1. Can anyone please help me? I dont know where my exp share is its not on my storage, and i checked my pokemons and its not there
  2. I'm having problems on caroline's basement puzzle, can anyone please give me some hints on what to do?
  3. i'm interested on that spirit bomb, anything you want in return?
  4. @UnicornJesus i'd love to have that deino
  5. too bad man, though you can get ditto from an old save if you know how, but thanks anyway
  6. hmmm.. what shiny do you need in exchange, i want that ditto
  7. ya, i'm fine bro got some thanks for the offer though :)
  8. Sorry for the bother though, i'm kinda excited for the next update so I wanna make a good team since i missed those good mons on old updates
  9. Thanks for the ghastly, but i'm afraid we missed the larvitar, you or me got disconnected
  10. what's your name? i'll find you here, and pls if you have extra ghastly i'd love to have them too
  11. hi, anyone here got extra ghastly? pls let me know i'd love to have some
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