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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by BadazzGarchomp

  1. Just focus on the nature, you can change ability of the starter with ability capsule and you can obtain one pretty early.
  2. I am not that far into the game but i want a porygon 2 (and i want to evolve a perfect iv one which i am trying to breed) ,so i wiil be needing those from people who dont use porygon 2 .
  3. I want an upgrade and dubious disc.Also if you have a shiny eevee and shiny absol i would like to have it,anyone willing to help?
  4. shiny eevee and shiny absol (0-6 iv) best one you can offer and guys pls give a (upgrade AND dubious disc) OR metal coat if you guys have extra .Much appreciated(i dont want evolved forms of respective pokemon just the evo items).
  5. are eggs possible to trade O.o
  6. So much appreciated mate.Will be waiting till then.@The Mad King
  7. Can anyone trade me a gible(If its in the game,if not give a gastly pls).No iv condition needed just the pokemon is enough.In return I can give shiny (grimer,numel,teddiursa) .
  8. I just started playing reborn.I am excited for it and would love to discuss my adventure with you all. I heard torchic would suit for a first time player,so i did chose it.I wanted speed boost so I soft reset.In the 2nd try I got a torchic with speed boost,the torchic was SHINY. That epic moment xD.It has bashful nature tho.Anyways I am looking forward to an epic adventure.
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