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  1. Misdreavus is found at the Sheridan Wetlands and I'm pretty sure it can only be found at nighttime or it might be the other way around.
  2. So... I'm one of those people that skipped the Gearen city help quest in the early game and progressed the main story just to realize you can't do it anymore. Is it possible to do the side quests without having to reset my save file? I already finished v12 btw, and know that the side quest contains some plot that is related to the main story in GDC (mainly Alice and Allen), so I'm guessing I can't redo the quests if I progress up to a certain point. It's just that the items that can be obtained in the quest are super good and I need them to finish building my team. I'm hoping that v13 has some sort of feature that enables us to go do some untouched old side quests using something like a timesplicer crystal or that the items are obtainable in some other way. Either way, super excited for v13!
  3. oh i didn't know my bad xD i thought you were filling up your dex for the event pokemon
  4. You can find heatmor in the wild in tektite ridge when you go through the power gem earthquake/bulldoze shenanigans in the cave! Go outside and you can find them in the grass. You can also find turtonator in the cave too
  5. You can't get own tempo rockruff, since the game doesn't allow a mon to have 4 alternate abilities. You just have to evolve any rockruff in 5~6pm and it will be lycanroc dusk form. Trust me, i went through the same problems xD
  6. Oh so it's just a rare encounter? Thanks! I'll have to grind for it now xD
  7. RandomGuy1


    I messed up by actually killing the drifloon during the sticker event xD The pokedex does say that i can find drifloon in Beryl but i'm not sure if it requires windy weather... Does someone have a drifloon to spare? I only need it and the evolution to complete the dex
  8. thanks! i was pretty sure he said in the vid that he couldn't find bagon, so i gave up on it xD is this a different vid? i think i watched the whole thing through lol
  9. I caught it in the area where you can use heat wave to melt the ice. Don't know about the grass in the snowy areas tho, i encountered like 5 shinies while looking for a scyther xD
  10. oof, so it is just extremely rare xD well i gotta go grind some more then
  11. so... i finished e18 by beating hardy, and am looking for a scyther to evolve and add to my team i'm pretty sure i did all the heat wave blizzard shenanigans to unlock hidden areas in route 4, but i'm yet to confront a scyther. Does scyther appear in a certain place or does it simply have an extremely low encounter rate? I'm pretty sure it's not the latter because i encountered like 5 shinies while looking for scyther, so i don't know what the problem is. Am i missing out on a hidden area?
  12. i am very eager to apply, but i'm not sure where to download the e18 files xD rip
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